Jake Johnson (New Girl, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse) and Gareth Reynolds (The Dollop) don't
For this bonus re-release, the guys turn to their friend Max Greenfield, who has had multiple memora
The guys help a caller whose girlfriend has unknowingly been using her lady parts exfoliating glove.
Jake and Gareth welcome special guest Katie Nolan (Casuals Podcast) for this bonus episode. First, t
The guys help a caller process the Hellish discovery that his mom's boyfriend has received a penile
Jake and Gareth help a caller create an epic sendoff for a beloved treehouse. Later, the guys go bac
On this bonus episode, Jake and Gareth address the Pod War by reluctantly sharing a recent video sho
The guys help a veteran who is being bullied by her son's librarian. Later, they help a caller brain
For this special Thursday bonus episode, the guys honor their friend, the great Biff Wiff, who passe
The guys are joined by special guest Michael Cera for a special deluxe episode. First, they help a m
The guys help a caller brainstorm what to do about her coworker's distracting wedgie. Later, a Briti
Jake and Gareth stumble on a bonafide hit single, thanks to a caller whose "cat voice" is annoying h
The guys help a caller who wants to fit in with her best friend’s family. Later, a caller asks for h
Aaaaand we’re back! In their first call of the new season, Jake and Gareth chat with a high school t
Jake and Gareth chat with someone whose grandma wants to be buried with the caller's dead dog. They&
Jake and Gareth chat with a caller who needs help winning a coloring competition. Later, they talk t