Conspiracy theories, melted online communities and cursed media — we pry open the cracks in consensu
A burned-out SUV deep in the Canadian wilderness. A charred body nobody can identify. Billions in lo
Trump, members of his administration, and conservative pundits all promised the release of shocking
Proudboy crypto meme coins, JFK Jr's t-shirt design, Sebastian Gorka's snuff film, multiple nazi sal
There are these two big landfills up in north St. Louis. One is called the West Lake Landfill, and i
Welcome to the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. Your companions are two Frenchmen: Julia
The savior of the West is an anime-loving, missile-launching, mullet-dawning, Hawaiian shirt and car
It's been about a month since Donald Trump was sworn into office and they've already begun stripping
“The Tsuki Project” was a once-active community of likeminded 4chan anons who longed to be transport
Take a break from hearing about Elon Musk’s pernicious influence in U.S. politics to learn about Elo
It’s a movie, it’s a show, it’s an online marketplace. After a nuke is detonated in downtown Los Ang
Does it feel like QAnon-style derangement is in the bloodstream of the highest levels of American po
Since Trump has been reelected, we follow up with QAnon personalities both large and small. How did
$TRUMP and $MELANIA meme coins compete with $FART, $ASS and $TITS for attention in a crypto industry
What if the Matrix really is a documentary? In this episode, Jake and Brad force Liv Agar to stare a
LA is going through one of the most destructive natural disasters in its history. So naturally there
The richest man in the world cannot catch a break from these four podcast hosts. Liv breaks down the
2025 is off to an absolutely nightmarish start as the boys huddle around the microphones and try to
What if “The Law of Attraction” was only for Aryans? Just in time for the holidays, Brad is back to
Annie Kelly brings Jake, Julian, and Travis tales of the lesser known figures of the European witch
Brian Thompson, the CEO of the health insurance company UnitedHealthcare, was shot and killed in Mid