cover of episode The Völk Mind Virus (Premium E272) Sample

The Völk Mind Virus (Premium E272) Sample

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QAA Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brad Abrahams
@Brad Abrahams : 我收到了听众的私信,介绍了一个自称是纳粹时期Vril协会直系后裔的组织。他们的网站和资料中充斥着纳粹符号、神秘主义元素以及对雅利安人的推崇。他们似乎将‘吸引力法则’与纳粹意识形态结合,认为只有雅利安人才能受益。网站设计风格独特,包含大量图片和链接,内容复杂难懂,但可以看出他们试图将纳粹元素与其他文化符号融合,试图掩盖其纳粹本质。他们的行为令人不安,我与我的合作者都认为与其保持距离。 我深入研究了他们的网站,发现他们试图将纳粹思想与其他文化元素(例如基督教)融合,并声称他们抛弃了过去的某些传统和信仰。他们强调知识的更新和发展,认为过分强调传统会导致僵化。他们认为只有那些缺乏新力量的人才会固守传统。 他们的网站图片包含大量经典汽车、女性发型、豪宅以及神秘的蜡封,这似乎暗示着他们对过去的一种怀旧和向往,以及对特定审美标准的追求。总的来说,这个组织的行为和思想令人担忧,他们试图将纳粹意识形态与其他文化元素巧妙地结合,以逃避法律制裁,并吸引更多追随者。 @Jake Rakitansky : (缺乏足够的文字信息,无法总结其核心论点) @Julian Fields : (缺乏足够的文字信息,无法总结其核心论点) @Travis View : (缺乏足够的文字信息,无法总结其核心论点)

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

What if “The Law of Attraction” was only for Aryans? Just in time for the holidays, Brad is back to let you know that Nazi-occult societies are alive and flourishing. Namely, a group claiming to be the direct genetic descendants of the “historical” Vril Society, the supposed Nazi-era metaphysical group that counted Hitler among its ranks. This episode has esoteric racism, templar LARPing, goddess rituals, hollow earth super Aryans, hairstyle discourse, a Ford Mustang obsession, and even starseeds. It’s a true QAA Xmas miracle. We’ll attempt to answer: How much of the WWII occult history is real? What’s the real history of the Sonnenrad symbol? Are these contemporary groups just conspiratorial LARPers with too much time and money (and a serious hair fetish), or something much more sinister? And finally, did we really need to hear that bit of high school-era Brad lore? Stick around for Professor Julian Strube of the University of Göttingen - a man who has spent the best years of his life researching these groups - as he helps us untangle this dense web of Nazi occult history, and how we’ve gotten to this current hell. Subscribe for $5 a month to get all the premium episodes: Brad Abrahams: // Professor Julian Strube: Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE ( / Cover Art by Pedro Correa: ( QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.