cover of episode Mal Fuego feat. Mike Rothschild (E308)

Mal Fuego feat. Mike Rothschild (E308)

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#news#conspiracy theories#climate change#trump's political influence#literature and publishing#political and social commentary#disaster management#resilience amid adversity People
Jake Rakitansky
Julian Fields
Mike Rothschild
Travis View
@Mike Rothschild : 我亲历了洛杉矶山火,失去了家园,成为气候难民。这次山火是几十年来最严重的,圣安娜风异常强烈,加上持续干旱和此前两年的降雨量大,为火灾的迅速蔓延创造了条件。我记录下逃离家园和得知房屋被毁的经历,这对我来说是一种宣泄。 在逃离过程中,我经历了恐慌、混乱和不确定性。我与媒体进行了沟通,向公众讲述了我的经历。 目前,我正在努力重建生活,并通过写作来记录这段经历,希望能帮助到其他人。 @Jake Rakitansky : 目前对洛杉矶山火的起因了解不多,调查仍在进行中。但三个因素导致了山火的迅速蔓延:此前两年的降雨量大,今年的干旱以及强风。即使山火是人为纵火,气候变化造成的条件也使其破坏性加剧。帕利塞德斯山火和伊顿山火的起因仍在调查中,但有一些可能的线索。 许多阴谋论缺乏内在逻辑和完整性,无法构成连贯的故事。 @Julian Fields : 许多阴谋论缺乏内在逻辑和完整性,无法构成连贯的故事。加利福尼亚州的管理不善令人担忧,州长纽森的应对措施也受到批评。 @Travis View : 缺乏可靠信息时,人们会用错误信息填补空白。马乔丽·泰勒·格林建议使用人工降雨来扑灭山火,但这在没有云的情况下是行不通的。关于山火的阴谋论缺乏逻辑和证据,例如认为蓝色屋顶可以抵御激光武器的说法。阴谋论者假设所有重大事件都是精心策划的结果,但这在现实世界中是不可能的。梅尔·吉布森暗示山火是蓄意造成的,这反映了阴谋论者的思维方式。网上有人声称山火与说唱巨星肖恩·迪迪·康姆斯被捕有关,这是一种缺乏证据的阴谋论。艾莉·卡特声称自己是高级人口贩卖的受害者,但她的一些说法缺乏可信度。网上有人声称山火是为了为城市发展或2028年奥运会腾出空间而蓄意造成的。 @Marjorie Taylor Greene : 建议使用人工降雨来扑灭山火,但这在当时的天气条件下是行不通的。 @Mel Gibson : 暗示山火是蓄意造成的,但没有提供具体的证据。 @Donald Trump : 指责加利福尼亚州州长纽森拒绝签署一份不存在的“水资源恢复宣言”,并以此来攻击纽森。 @Gavin Newsom : 应对山火的方式受到了批评。 @Allie Carter : 声称自己是高级人口贩卖的受害者,但她的一些说法缺乏可信度,并被用来支持山火阴谋论。

Deep Dive

Mike Rothschild recounts his harrowing experience evacuating his Altadena home during the wildfires, highlighting the extreme Santa Ana winds and the surreal experience of losing his home. He describes the chaotic evacuation, the emotional impact of the loss, and the unexpected details that come to mind after the event.
  • Santa Ana winds were the worst on record, exceeding the experience of long-time residents.
  • Evacuation was sudden and chaotic, with limited time to gather belongings.
  • The emotional impact of losing one's home is profound and includes unexpected details that only surface later.

Shownotes Transcript

LA is going through one of the most destructive natural disasters in its history. So naturally there is a lot of nonsense online about the secret purpose of the blazes. To discuss, we talk to journalist and climate refugee Mike Rothschild. The author of Jewish Space Lasers is one of many people who lost their homes to the Eaton fire. We chat about what it’s like to evacuate in order to escape a fast-spreading fire, climate change, and some of the more popular ways that online conspiracists are speculating about the causes of the conflagration. Subscribe for $5 a month to get all the premium episodes: Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE ( / Cover Art by Pedro Correa: ( /// Mike Rothschild Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschild and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became A Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy of Everything //// Sources How Did the Los Angeles Wildfires Get So Out of Control Southern California’s ‘rainy’ season is lacking one major thing Hydroclimate volatility on a warming Earth What We Know About What Led to the L.A. Wildfires This Is Where the Palisades Fire Started Trump makes misguided accusations about California water management amid wildfires