cover of episode The Q Influencers: Where Are They Now? (Premium E276) Sample

The Q Influencers: Where Are They Now? (Premium E276) Sample

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QAA Podcast

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#celebrity interviews#trump's political influence#political and social commentary#influencer economy#post-truth era#political scandals#political discourse#media manipulation Topics
@Jake Rakitansky : 我对特朗普感到非常厌恶,尤其是在他重新掌权之后。过去嘲笑他很有趣,但现在他再次当选,我感到非常愤怒。他利用权力进行报复,这让我更加反感。我甚至幻想对他进行报复,因为他给国家带来了混乱和痛苦。

Deep Dive

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- If you're hearing this, well done. You found a way to connect to the internet. Welcome to the QAA podcast, premium episode 276, Where Are They Now? That Trump's back. As always, we are your host, Jake Rakitansky. - SARS-CoV-2 virus. - And Travis View.

Sorry to hear that you're under the weather, Julian. I feel bad. How many days into your virus are you? Four. Okay, you should be starting to feel all right by tomorrow, hopefully. Don't tell me what to do! Actually, you know what? That's bullshit. The last couple times I've had COVID, and like at this point, I'm a COVID expert. Not in that I know a lot about COVID, but that I've

had it so many times, probably the most times of anybody on this podcast. I think I've had it four times now. And the last couple times I had it, it lasted for like two weeks, honestly. So you might be- Hey, you gave it to me. You might be fucked. You might be fucked.

You gave it to me. No, I didn't. I didn't. Yeah, I opened a fucking little letter that I received that had the Ghostbusters logo on it, and it was just, like, wet inside. That's the best I could describe it. Almost slimy. Yeah. Well, I think it's clear that whoever sent you that was a ghost, and...

they are the ones that have infected you. I think that, you know, despite my rumblings, I'm having an empathetic reaction of catching COVID so that I can feel the suffering of this beautiful nation as it experiences the chaos that

our leader is currently inflicting on us. Yeah, I had like a moment the other day when I was talking with my wife and, you know, it's, I walk around the house and sometimes I do the, you know, the Trump impression, mostly because it's just like almost like second nature. Getting less funny. And I told her, I was like, you know, I know that I walk around and like, I do the impression sometimes and like we laugh and stuff, but I was like, but I'm like totally fucking disgusted at this guy and

The way that he talks and just this stuff that he said after this plane crash, too. Like, he's just it's so it's so not funny. And like, I don't know, there's there's a part of me that's like, man, it was funny when he was out of power to, like, make fun of him and do the impersonation. But like, it doesn't feel so good now. And I almost like choked up at like how mad I am. I'd love to take a big, heavy lead pipe and just kill you.

Yeah, dude. I was like, man, this guy is a real piece of shit. And he's like being extra shitty because it's like his payback for losing in 2020. He's like, oh, I'm going to be an even stinkier piece. I'd love to see his fucking head by a high caliber weapon.

You know what? I would too. I would too. I'd love to see him fucking, I'd love to see him get dumped into a fucking vat of acid and just like slowly melt his and just melts off of his and you're left with nothing but a screaming skeleton like the third act of an Indiana Jones movie. If I had a fucking time machine, I would go back in time and teach a certain young man about wind and the effect it has on ballistics trajectories and stuff like that. I'd like to go into the future and give a

highly advanced exoskeleton, a picture and a year. And I'd like to send him back in time. Maybe he even looks like a former California governor. But since time machines don't exist, I would love to just feed Trump into one of those garbage compactors and watch his fucking s**t

Just get like off or like a one of the like wood chippers. Oh, yeah. I'd love to fuck his ass. Travis, how you doing today? I'm doing lovely. It's a it's a beautiful, warm, sunny day. So, you know, that's, you know, despite, you know, everything else, I got that going for me. Hey, great. Sun's out. It's aimed at the president's dick.

Okay. All right. Wow. My God. Yeah. There's going to be a lot of the whole beginning of the episode will just be one long beep. Yeah, that's going to be fine. All right. I guess I'll move on to the proper intro that I wrote. Yeah. If you've been listening to the QAA podcast for a long time, you'll know that I wasn't always a mild mannered, level headed conspiracy analyst, quick to find a rational explanation for the things in life that just don't make any sense.

Instead, I was a moderately "pilled conspiracy" enthusiast who tended to believe the most interesting explanation until proven otherwise. I was titillated by early game QAnon lore and gravitated towards a handful of rising Twitter pundits who were essentially game theorists musing gleefully about what kind of payback a newly elected Donald Trump would have in store for the deep state.

As time went on, my exposure to lefty politics and podcasts satisfied the anger I had about our current political and economic hellscape without the need for wild conspiracy theories. Travis joined the show, and his influence on me strengthened the bond I was beginning to form with reality. The accounts I followed, who were famous for their long threads about Spygate and QAnon at large, now seemed foolish in retrospect. Many of them had also been suspended.

I said goodbye to Drawn Strike, Imperator Rex, Thomas Wichter, and a handful of other imaginative QAnon influencers. I'm dead at like a young Jewish man following those and just not seeing any kind of pattern in those names. Not seeing? I want my dog to eat me.

QAnon was just in the water now, folded into an already terrifying Republican platform that seemed to be losing. There were no more drops, and with Joe Biden in office and the former guy banned from most social media, the only way Trump could post to the masses was by releasing statements on official-looking letterhead and hoping the corporate media would publish them. They did.

It seemed that we were finally about to enter a golden age of facts and logic, a return to humility where the current political administration would at the very least pretend to care about human beings. But then Hashem looked down upon my hopeful visage and spit into my mouth as if I were a baby bird, pink and naked, not yet ready to be pushed out of the nest. What an image. Thank you.

We were punished with relentless election coverage, multiple assassination attempts, a last-minute ticket shake-up, a second Trump victory, and of course an onslaught of conspiracy theories about everything I just mentioned. Liberals had game theorists of their own now too, and they were using lots of swears.

Oh my god. To make matters worse, with the purchase of Twitter, Elon let all my old favorite creatures crawl out from under the banhammer. They raised their tentacles over their faces, their globular eyes not yet accustomed to the light. And just this past week, after an announcement that the White House was taking applications to occupy the quote, new media seat in the White House press briefing room, I was not surprised to see a handful of early Q influencers post screenshots of their hopeful submissions.

I was curious. What were these guys up to now? Were they still gung-ho for QAnon? Or like so many others, had they just seeded back into regular republicanism, knowing that even their crazier beliefs would be encouraged regardless? Bad news about regular republicanism. Yeah, sure is.

He sure is. There's no better time for these guys than right now, when a whole whopping four years of Trump madness lies before them, and this time without any annoying checks and balances, or even an opposition party, if we're being honest. Yeah, I'd love to fucking crumple up Joe Biden and shit what's left of him at Trump's head, clean off.

They should do that, actually. That should be the American way. That would be so tight. You take the last president and you load him into a giant gun and you fucking kill the new president with it. That would be so cool. Big fucking cannon. It's like waiting on the lawn when they do the swearing in. It's right there ready and aimed. Yeah, that's right. Oh, Jack, Jack, I don't know about this one, Jack. Oh, you can't put me in a cannon because I'm not dead yet. Yeah.

Travis, what?

Why is that such a good deal? Well, Jake, you get hundreds of additional episodes of the QAA podcast for just $5 per month. For that very low price, you get access to over 200 premium episodes, plus all of our miniseries. That includes 10 episodes of Man Clan with Julian and Annie, 10 episodes of Perverts with Julian and Liv, 10 episodes of The Spectral Voyager with Jake and Brad, plus 20 episodes of Trickle Down with me, Travis View.

It's a bounty of content and the best deal in podcasting. Travis, for once, I agree with you. And I also agree that people could subscribe by going to slash QAA. Well, that's not an opinion. It's a fact. You're so right, Jake. We love and appreciate all of our listeners. Yes, we do. And Travis is actually crying right now, I think, out of gratitude, maybe. That's not true. The part about me crying, not me being grateful. I'm very grateful.