cover of episode Witchcraft Skeptics And The Spanish Inquisition (E306)

Witchcraft Skeptics And The Spanish Inquisition (E306)

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QAA Podcast

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Annie Kelly
@Annie Kelly : 在欧洲早期现代时期,猎巫运动盛行,许多女性被指控为女巫,尤其是在英格兰、西班牙和法国。然而,一些怀疑论者如西班牙皇家医生Andrés Fernández de Laguna、英国绅士Reginald Scot和宗教裁判官Alonso de Salazar Frías公开质疑这些指控。Salazar甚至制定了严格的调查标准,拯救了无数被指控为女巫的人。这些怀疑论者的存在提醒我们,即使在最黑暗的时期,理性思考仍然可能挽救生命。 @Jake Rokitansky : 猎巫运动不仅仅是关于巫术的指控,它反映了当时社会的深层次焦虑和恐惧。尤其是在战争、饥荒和宗教冲突的背景下,人们更容易将不幸归咎于所谓的女巫。然而,怀疑论者的出现表明,即使在集体恐慌中,仍有人能够保持清醒,质疑主流观点。 @Julian Fields : 猎巫运动中的怀疑论者往往被历史遗忘,因为他们的观点与当时的主流信仰相悖。然而,他们的努力为后来的理性思考奠定了基础。尤其是Salazar的调查方法,强调了证据的重要性,这在当时的宗教裁判所中是非常罕见的。 @Travis View : 猎巫运动的历史提醒我们,集体恐慌和迷信可能导致无辜者的死亡。怀疑论者的存在表明,即使在最极端的情况下,理性思考仍然可能阻止悲剧的发生。现代社会中,我们仍然需要警惕类似的集体恐慌和阴谋论。

Deep Dive

The QAA podcast discusses the history of witch hunts, noting the dark fascination with these events and the anxiety about whether such hunts have truly been outgrown. The hosts introduce the concept of witchcraft skeptics, individuals who questioned the widespread belief in witchcraft during historical times.
  • Matthew Hopkins, the self-proclaimed Witchfinder General, was surprisingly young, likely in his early to mid-20s, during his witch-hunting spree.
  • Celsus, an early skeptic of Christianity, is primarily known through the writings of his critic, Origen.

Shownotes Transcript

Annie Kelly brings Jake, Julian, and Travis tales of the lesser known figures of the European witch hunts during the early modern period: the skeptics who openly doubted that every accused woman was actually a witch. At the time, it was common for village communities in England, Spain, and France to accuse local women of cursing cows and similar satanic mischief. But a handful of men didn’t believe the mainstream belief that witchcraft was widespread. Doubts were raised by the Spanish royal physician Andrés Fernández de Laguna, the English gentleman Reginald Scot, and the inquisitor Alonso de Salazar Frías. Salazar even established rules on investigating witchcraft that set a high standard of proof. This subsequently saved an untold number of accused witches from being hanged or burned at the stake. What can all of this tell us about the modern right’s use of the language of demonology to describe their enemies? Listen to get exclusive analysis from the National Baby. To get a better background on the history of witch hunting, Annie interviewed Professor Marion Gibson from the University of Exeter, and author of the book Witchcraft: A History in 13 Trials. Subscribe for $5 a month to get all the premium episodes: Annie Kelly Witchcraft: A History in 13 Trials by Marion Gibson Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE ( / Cover Art by Pedro Correa: ( QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.