cover of episode The Tsuki Project (Premium E278) Sample

The Tsuki Project (Premium E278) Sample

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QAA Podcast

AI Deep Dive Transcript
Jake Rakitansky
Travis View
@Jake Rakitansky , @Liv Hagar , and @Travis View :我们深入探讨了名为 "Tsuki 项目" 或 "System Space" 的互联网现象。这是一个由志同道合的匿名 4chan 用户组成的社区,他们渴望进入一个更好的世界,并相信通过参与围绕名为 Tsuki 的人物的承诺和传说而形成的社区,他们死后可以进入这个更好的世界。这个社区已经消失在互联网的深处,很难确定它的本质。它被描述为动漫自杀邪教、天堂之门的数字版本、骗局、互动小说、另类现实游戏,或者只是一群被卷入某人不良适应性白日梦中的孤独、沮丧的人。要了解究竟发生了什么,需要从存档的图片板帖子、仅以 zip 文件形式存在的网站、动漫维基和 Discord 服务器的泄露截图中拼凑起来。互联网并非永恒,一些信息比许多年前发生的事情更难以拼凑。我们必须仔细研究破碎的 Discord 链接、模糊的 JPEG 图片、微小的艺术作品和在线聊天框。研究这个项目需要经历艰难的网络搜索过程,例如浏览充满广告的网站和难以使用的搜索功能。Tsuki 项目的故事对于那些真正想了解更多关于网络邪教或 Chan 文化的人来说很有趣,但这个故事也让我反思了我最初为什么会被九十年代早期形式的社交媒体所吸引。在九十年代作为青少年时,我喜欢在 Usenet 小组中找到志同道合的人讨论感兴趣的话题,这让我感觉很充实。现在互联网上存在各种各样的社区,有些社区可能并不健康。我青少年时期对互联网的了解有限,不知道互联网上存在讨论特定主题的论坛。Tsuki 项目始于 4chan 的 R9K 板块,这是一个以用户共享疏离感为基础的板块。R9K 板块最初是为了测试名为 Robot 9000 的审核软件而开发的,后来发展成为一个分享社交尴尬的 4chan 用户痛苦轶事的场所。R9K 板块与 B 板块的区别在于,在 R9K 上,你不能发布与其他人已经发布过的帖子相同的帖子。R9K 板块上的帖子通常来自表达对获得浪漫关注、交朋友或找到有成就感的工作的挫败感的年轻人。R9K 板块的用户经常谈论 NEET 的生活方式,即不从事教育、就业或培训的生活方式。R9K 板块的用户经常感到被社会抛弃,他们的痛苦以存在主义的方式表达出来,他们很容易接受简单地离开这个世界并进入另一个世界。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

“The Tsuki Project” was a once-active community of likeminded 4chan anons who longed to be transported into a better world. And they believed that by participating in this community formed around the promises and lore of someone named Tsuki, they could enter into this better world after they died. This is a community that first formed in 2017 and has since dissipated into the online ether. It’s hard to say what the Tsuki Project was exactly. It has been described as anime suicide cult, a digital version of Heaven’s Gate, a hoax, a piece of interactive fiction, an Alternate Reality Game, or just a group of lonely, depressed people who were sucked into one person’s maladative daydreams. It was probably a swirl of all of those things. What exactly happened has to be pieced together from archived imageboard posts, websites that only survive as zip files, anime Wikis, and leaked screenshots from Discord servers. This is the story of the Tsuki project based on the surviving records. Subscribe for $5 a month to get all the premium episodes: Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe, Jake Rockatansky, and Corey Klotz. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE ( / Cover Art by Pedro Correa: ( QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.