cover of episode Nuked in the Midwest feat. Devin O’Shea (Premium E280) Sample

Nuked in the Midwest feat. Devin O’Shea (Premium E280) Sample

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QAA Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#investigative journalism#history#news#social issues#urban planning and development#historical political intrigue#disaster management#podcast commercialization People
Devin O’Shea
Jake Rakitansky
@Jake Rakitansky : 我关注到圣路易斯北部存在一个名为Westlake的垃圾填埋场,里面堆满了曼哈顿计划遗留下来的放射性废料。这令人担忧,尤其考虑到该垃圾填埋场附近还有另一个垃圾填埋场Bridgeton,并且后者已经持续燃烧了14年。这种情况下,放射性物质很可能已经蔓延到Bridgeton垃圾填埋场,一旦发生大火,后果不堪设想。 此外,处理核废料的方式令人担忧,从秘密掩埋到忽视问题,再到最终仓促处理,都反映出美国在处理此类问题上的不负责任。这让我联想到美国处理香烟问题的方式,长期以来都隐瞒其危害性。 目前,居住在Westlake垃圾填埋场附近的居民已经做好了应急计划,但政府的回应却显得迟缓和不作为。我们需要更多关注这个问题,并采取有效措施来防止潜在的灾难发生。 @Devin O’Shea : 我对曼哈顿计划的放射性废料被放置在人口稠密地区感到困惑。将如此危险的物质放置在圣路易斯这样人口稠密的地区,显然是不合理的。 Westlake垃圾填埋场的问题,以及政府在处理这个问题上的不作为,让我感到愤怒。母亲们的努力提高了人们对这个问题的认识,但政府官员却试图回避这个问题,甚至对癌症高发地区的详细地图视而不见。 如果大火蔓延到Westlake垃圾填埋场,将会释放出大量的放射性物质,对周边地区造成严重的污染。这不仅仅是一个环境问题,更是一个严重的公共健康问题。 此外,‘面纱先知宫廷’的成员参与了曼哈顿计划的资金支持,以及后来与纳粹的勾结,这更凸显了这个问题的复杂性和历史背景。我们需要深入调查,追究相关责任人的责任。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the alarming issue of radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project ending up in landfills in St. Louis, Missouri. It details the botched disposal techniques and the resulting environmental hazards, highlighting the long-term consequences and the efforts of local activists to address the problem.
  • Radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project in St. Louis landfills
  • Botched disposal techniques
  • Subsurface smoldering event
  • Health impacts and long-term consequences
  • Activist efforts

Shownotes Transcript

There are these two big landfills up in north St. Louis. One is called the West Lake Landfill, and it is packed full of radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project. There’s hosing and tarps covering these huge sections of fields. It looks like a weird golf course from overhead, or a kind of sore in the land. It deserves to look this way because this nuclear waste site is the end product of a dozen botched techniques for nuclear disposal. How did this radioactive waste wind up in the landfill? Why does the answer involve “men of the Veiled Prophet’s court?” Why did the government ignore the health impacts of the site until long after concerned moms started organizing on Facebook? Can our minds even grasp the scale of our destruction of Earth, or are all of these events the byproduct of “hyperobjects” that defy comprehension by limited mortals? Journalist Devin O’ Shea brings us a sad and spooky saga of radioactivity in Missouri. Subscribe for $5 a month to get all the premium episodes: Devin O’ Shea: Tik Tok Twitter Substack Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE ( / Cover Art by Pedro Correa: ( QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.