If you're hearing this, well done, you found a way to connect to the internet. Welcome to the QAA podcast, premium episode 272, Devolk Mind Virus. As always, we are your hosts, Jake Rakitansky, Brad Abrahams, Julian Fields, and Travis View.
That's so true.
If you're hearing this, you should be ashamed of yourself. So today, I'm answering our audience's burning questions of what they've been up to all these years. Namely, a group that claims they're the direct descendants of the actual Vril Society, the supposed OG Nazi-era occult group that Hitler belonged to. You've all heard of the secret, right? The power of positive thinking? Well, what if the law of attraction was only for Aryans? Damn. Damn.
Asking the questions that we should all be asking this Christmas season. Yeah, I know exactly which books I'm going to get for all my relatives so they can actualize their lives and be more productive members of the Nazi party. These guys watching Oprah talking about the secret says, yes, absolutely, but not for you.
These guys are fucking playing Wolfenstein and they're like, we need to make the video games Volk again. You don't get a car. You don't get a car. And you don't get a car. Oh, what's under your seat? It's human feces.
Like some of our most cursed episodes, I first heard of them from a listener who DM'd me after I'd put out a call for documentary subjects. After just a little digging, my co-director and I both concluded we did not want to be in the same physical space with this group. You'll soon understand why. But behind the firewall of Patreon, I feel this is relatively safe enough for me to cover as a premium episode. I'm now going to recreate for you my first tumble down the black sun hole.
The DM started with just a couple sentences of setup. Hi Brad, surely you've heard of the alleged Vril Society that comes up a lot in UFO stuff. There's a group out there who claim to be of the direct lineage of the historical society. He also attached the following unsettling image from the group. Will someone describe this for me? This is a blonde woman in a full red gown with hood and...
And she is kind of nuzzled up to a bizarre statue of a woman whose hair like kind of constitutes the entire like Oscar shaped thing. It's very big. Of course, beneath it is the classic Sonnenrad, the Black Sun statue.
that the Nazis love so much and that keeps popping up in images of a certain conflict abroad and she's got a lit candle and it looks like this circular kind of like prayer room like this is this is a lot of money spent to make a Nazi room
A lot of people are spending a lot of money to turn rooms into Nazi rooms. Maybe some of the most Nazi rooms we've ever seen. Some of the blackest sons we've ever seen. We've got the blackest sons with the foremost points that then bend 90 degree angles.
Underneath the image was a single link. I wished I'd never clicked it, but now you're all going to share in this regret. A disclaimer, nearly all of the text on their site and in my research was in the German language, so I'm sure some things are getting lost in translation.
The splash page was enigmatic, though inoffensive. In the center of a dark burgundy background is a white marble statue of a nude woman with her hands stretched upwards. There are some orchid blooms layered behind her. Above her hands, in calligraphic style in German, reads, New era, new spirit, new deed.
And on either side of her are the words, Hmm. Isn't that what the Sicilian mafia is called? No, that's Cosa Nostra. This is our cause instead of our thing. Thank you, Julian. I clicked the big text blocks that said, I'm gay. I'm gay?
Oh, God. Fucking lavender Nazi bullshit. What the fuck is going on here? Orchids and shit? We've got a pretty standard mid-2000s style webpage. The upper half is an upside down rocky mountain with a blue sky. There's a Cosa Nostra logo with a white C and purple N with a gold seal above it.
Underneath it says, You resemble the spirit that you comprehend. Below are four thumbnails. The first is a lightning bolt-like symbol with stark metallic aesthetic that's vaguely reminiscent of the Nazi SS logo with the text, History and Knowledge of the Causa Nostra. The second is a picture of a crow with the CN logo in its mouth with the title, Our Thoughts on the Zeitgeist.
The next is a photo of a sculptural relief of Christ with a crown of thorns with the caption: "Syncretism with Christian themes." And lastly, a photo of a bizarre looking sculpture with the head of a man on one side and that of a woman on the other in what looks to be a room in a castle.
The text reads, "The Baphomet Society in Holy Grail circles." This is awesome, and they've made the kind of classic mistake of being like, "Welcome to the Cosa Nostra," whatever, and then putting the year, 2021. You never put the year.
You're 365 days at the very most from looking obsolete. So far, still seems pretty innocuous, right? Mm-hmm. The pilling happens gradually, and that's by design. Each of these links unveils a page with dozens and dozens more links and sublinks, like hundreds if not a thousand pages on this site. I click the first, which serves as some sort of about or history page, which starts off with this amazing collage. Oof, this looks like... This is fun. This looks like, um...
Oh, boy. This is fucked. It's like a mood board. It's like photographs just kind of spread out on a table type vibe. Yeah, it's like a mood board from like a Prague subway gift shop. Like postcards purchased there, assembled roughly, kind of reds, dark greens, indigo.
It's just... It's a mess. It's designed so that at first sight, you're like, oh, this is definitely some sort of Nazi collage. And then you look closer and you're like, wait, everything's been changed slightly. It's like it's trying to get away with being pro-Nazi under German law. You know what I mean? Exactly. Yes. You've got classic cars. Yeah. There's surprisingly a good amount of pick. In fact, maybe half of the
pictures are actually just classic cars yeah we must return to the automobile of the past yeah there's there's photos of women with various hairstyles masks uh how like kind of mcmansion houses and enigmatic wax seals we must return to the asymmetric haircut that hitler loved so much
Without stating who they explicitly are or what they believe, the page says that they are a spiritual movement that eschews certain traditions and beliefs of the past that held them back. What traditions? I'm not sure. To quote: "Knowledge is like a growing tree, the leaves of which are renewed year after year.
But what has been understood through knowledge to be erroneous or imperfect remains behind in the autumn of time. And in the next spring, many of the same leaves are described in an even better way than before. Julian sounds like an Elden Ring NPC who I would kill for his items.
Nine. What you do not know is that my items are cursed. And they will not work in the hands of the Yehuda. Your statistics will be approaching zero. You will be fat-rolling for the rest of the game.
The quote continues: "The same applies to the Causa Nostra. Knowledge teaches us what may need to be redefined. Too much emphasis on tradition means rigidity. Leaving certain traditions behind is therefore more beneficial than holding on to too many traditional things."
Only those who lack new strength entrench themselves in traditions as if behind fortress walls, peering anxiously through the cracks into the new era. That is not our style. You've been listening to a sample of a premium episode of the QAA podcast. For access to the full episode, as well as all past premium episodes and all of our podcast miniseries, go to patreon.com slash QAA. Try
Travis, why is that such a good deal? Well, Jake, you get hundreds of additional episodes of the QAA podcast for just $5 per month. For that very low price, you get access to over 200 premium episodes, plus all of our miniseries. That includes 10 episodes of Man Clan with Julian and Annie, 10 episodes of Perverts with Julian and Liv, 10 episodes of The Spectral Voyager with Jake and Brad, plus 20 episodes of Trickle Down with me, Travis View.
It's a bounty of content and the best deal in podcasting. Travis, for once, I agree with you. And I also agree that people could subscribe by going to patreon.com slash QAA. Well, that's not an opinion. It's a fact. You're so right, Jake. We love and appreciate all of our listeners. Yes, we do. And Travis is actually crying right now, I think, out of gratitude, maybe? That's not true. The part about me crying, not me being grateful. Oh.