Puck senior political correspondent Tara Palmeri is here to help you get through what may be the mos
Tara is joined by political reporter Alex Isenstadt to discuss his new book, ‘Revenge: The Inside St
Tara is joined by Gov. Kelly Armstrong to discuss Donald Trump’s tariffs and government cuts. They b
Tara is joined by Marc Caputo and Teddy Schleifer to discuss the state of the White House and the ec
Tara is joined by Colorado Rep. Jason Crow to explain his walkout during Donald Trump’s address to C
Tara is joined by political adviser Joe Hack to discuss an eventful and fiery past few days on the H
Tara starts the pod by recapping a highly chaotic week for the Trump administration. She’s then join
Tara is joined by freshman Senator Jim Banks (R-Indiana) to discuss Trump’s policy decisions in the
In this special episode, recorded live in front of a group of students at American University in Was
Host Tara Palmeri welcomes Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) for a wide-ranging conversation about Presiden
Host Tara Palmeri welcomes Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) for a wide-ranging conversation about Presi
Host Tara Palmeri begins by discussing the latest moves from the Trump administration and the ripple
Tara starts the pod with an update on the fallout from Donald Trump’s federal funding freeze, and Ro
Tara is joined by cryptocurrency industry expert Kevin Cirilli and host of the ‘Coin Stories’ podcas
Tara joins Meghan McCain on her podcast, ‘Citizen McCain,’ to share her firsthand experiences from D
Tara is joined by Axios’ Marc Caputo from Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., to share
Tara is joined by Pat Dennis, president of the Democratic Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century, to
Tara is joined by ex-deputy secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli to talk about the viabilit
Tara is joined by former Trump administration appointee and political consultant Matthew Bartlett to
Tara is joined by British political activist and adviser Raheem Kassam to discuss and compare the cu