Raheem Kassam
Tara Palmeri
@Tara Palmeri : 马斯克正在积极干预欧洲政治,特别关注英国和德国。他与英国首相发生冲突,并呼吁国王解散议会。他还支持德国的极右翼政党AFD和意大利的兄弟党。在英国,他最初支持改革党及其领导人法拉奇,但后来因为对汤米·罗宾逊的看法不同而与法拉奇决裂。马斯克的行为引发了欧洲领导人的担忧,他们认为他利用推特传播虚假信息,扰乱欧洲政治。 Tara Palmeri还分析了英国脱欧对美国政治的影响,认为脱欧为美国人投票支持特朗普提供了理由。她指出,存在一股反全球化浪潮,人们对领导人感到不满,对移民持警惕态度。她认为,许多英国人天生就不想成为更大全球国家集团的一部分,并且许多人现在后悔脱欧,但更多的是对脱欧执行方式的后悔,而不是对脱欧本身的后悔。 最后,Tara Palmeri讨论了特朗普第二次执政的可能性,以及科技大佬们对美国政治的影响。她认为,马斯克让班农看起来像个大人,这应该让很多人感到恐惧。她还指出,在华盛顿,捐款大的人有发言权,一些科技大佬认为民主制度已经过时,他们的政治理念是技术法西斯主义。 @Raheem Kassam : 改革党在民调中领先执政的工党,这表明其在英国政治中日益增长的影响力。他认为英国脱欧给了美国人投票支持特朗普的理由,并指出存在一股反全球化浪潮,人们对领导人感到不满,对移民持警惕态度。 Raheem Kassam还讨论了马斯克对英国政治的兴趣,认为马斯克想要权力,而不是金钱。他认为改革党应该拒绝马斯克的资助,因为巨额资金会改变政党的性质。他认为马斯克对政治右翼构成威胁,并解释了英国需要改革的原因,指出英国的政治体制过时且腐败。 Raheem Kassam还详细阐述了改革党主张对英国政治体制进行根本性改革,并指出许多投票支持脱欧的人并没有充分了解脱欧对他们生活的影响。他认为,对于许多投票支持脱欧的人来说,主权比经济利益更重要。他还谈到,许多投票支持脱欧的人怀有反移民情绪,保守党未能兑现其减少移民的承诺,导致民众不满。 Raheem Kassam还讨论了法拉奇不太可能放弃改革党的领导地位,以及马斯克和法拉奇在汤米·罗宾逊问题上存在分歧。他认为马斯克利用儿童性侵犯问题转移人们对H-1B签证问题的注意力,并指出马斯克的行为反复无常。 Raheem Kassam还分析了法拉奇有可能成为英国下一任首相,并解释了改革党在地方层面拥有强大的组织能力,以及改革党正在复制特朗普的竞选策略。他还讨论了法拉奇试图充当英国政府和特朗普政府之间的中间人,以及法拉奇与特朗普保持密切关系是为了提高他在英国的政治影响力。 最后,Raheem Kassam讨论了特朗普的政策可能会对英国构成威胁,以及与美国达成贸易协议将使英国脱欧取得成功。他还讨论了特朗普第二次执政的可能性,以及科技大佬们对美国政治的影响,并表达了他对一些科技大佬认为民主制度已经过时,以及他们的政治理念是技术法西斯主义的担忧。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Elon Musk targeting European politics?

Elon Musk is expanding his influence beyond the U.S., targeting Europe, particularly the UK and Germany, to disrupt political systems and gain power. He has engaged in Twitter spats with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, supported far-right populist parties like Germany's AFD, and backed the UK's Reform Party, formerly UKIP, led by Nigel Farage.

What is the significance of Elon Musk's support for the Reform Party in the UK?

The Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage, is a populist movement that played a key role in Brexit. Musk's support, including a reported $100 million consideration, could significantly impact UK politics by potentially toppling the Labour government and reshaping the political landscape.

Why did Elon Musk turn on Nigel Farage?

Elon Musk turned on Nigel Farage due to a disagreement over Tommy Robinson, an Islamophobe imprisoned for libel. Farage supported Robinson's imprisonment, while Musk claimed it was a free speech issue. This rift led Musk to publicly state that Farage was not fit to lead the Reform Party.

How is Elon Musk disrupting European politics?

Elon Musk is using his platform, X (formerly Twitter), to spread disinformation, support far-right populist parties, and challenge established political leaders. His actions have drawn criticism from European leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron and the Norwegian Prime Minister, who are concerned about his influence.

What is the Reform Party's vision for the UK?

The Reform Party advocates for root-and-branch reform of the UK's political system, aiming for more localized governance and direct democracy. They seek to overhaul the antiquated Westminster system, including the House of Lords, and prioritize sovereignty over economic benefits from EU membership.

How does Nigel Farage compare to Donald Trump?

Nigel Farage is often compared to Donald Trump due to his charismatic, independent-minded leadership and long-standing advocacy for Brexit. Like Trump, Farage has built a grassroots movement and has been a disruptive force in his country's politics, though he has been active in politics since the early 1990s, longer than Trump.

What role does Elon Musk play in the political right worldwide?

Elon Musk is seen as a disruptive figure in the political right, using his wealth and influence to support populist movements and leaders like Nigel Farage and Giorgia Meloni. However, his unpredictable behavior and support for controversial figures like Tommy Robinson have raised concerns about his impact on the political right.

Why is Nigel Farage seen as a potential future UK Prime Minister?

Nigel Farage is seen as a potential future UK Prime Minister due to the Reform Party's growing grassroots support and local election successes. The party's ability to field a strong grassroots operation and its rising popularity in polls position Farage as a significant political figure in the UK.

What is the connection between Brexit and the MAGA movement?

Brexit and the MAGA movement are linked as both represent anti-globalist, populist movements. Brexit, which occurred in June 2016, is seen as having inspired the MAGA movement by giving Americans the philosophical permission to vote for Donald Trump in November 2016, signaling a broader trend of skepticism toward globalism and established leaders.

How could a trade deal with the US impact Brexit's legacy?

A bilateral trade deal with the US could significantly improve Brexit's legacy by boosting the UK's economic prosperity. Such a deal would validate the UK's decision to leave the EU and address lingering regrets about Brexit, especially if it includes tariff carve-outs negotiated with the help of figures like Nigel Farage.

Elon Musk's recent actions in the UK and Germany, including his Twitter spat with Keir Starmer and his support for far-right parties, are raising concerns about the use of his platform to spread disinformation and influence European politics. His unpredictable actions are causing concern among European leaders.
  • Elon Musk's involvement in UK and German politics
  • Twitter spat with Keir Starmer
  • Support for far-right parties like AFD in Germany and the Reform Party in the UK
  • Concerns about disinformation and political disruption

Shownotes Transcript

Tara is joined by British political activist and adviser Raheem Kassam to discuss and compare the current states of right-wing populism in England and the United States. They shine a light on the rising influence of the Reform party and its ideological leader (Nigel Farage) in U.K. politics, analyze Elon Musk’s political moves in Europe, and talk about what will be different about Donald Trump’s administration the second time around.

For more of Tara’s reporting, please sign up for her newsletter, 'The Best and the Brightest,' at and use the discount code TARA20.

Host: Tara Palmeri

Guest: Raheem Kassam

Producer: Chris Sutton

Production Supervision: Conor Nevins

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