cover of episode That Day When Trump Shut Down the Government, With Shanti Stanton

That Day When Trump Shut Down the Government, With Shanti Stanton

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Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Shanti Stanton
Tara Palmeri
@Tara Palmeri : 我认为特朗普政府发布的冻结联邦拨款和贷款的行政命令是一个严重的错误,它给华盛顿带来了巨大的混乱,尤其对那些依赖联邦资金的机构和个人造成了困扰。这个命令的措辞过于宽泛,实施方式也过于仓促,以至于在发布24小时内就被撤回。然而,其影响仍在持续,人们仍在努力弄清其对学校、住房、医疗保健等项目的具体影响。 法院叫停了这项行政命令,直到2月3日。这引发了关于总统和国会之间权力分配的争论,以及谁真正控制着财政大权的问题。 此外,我还关注了罗伯特·肯尼迪的参议员听证会。他为了获得健康与公众服务部职位而不得不调整自己立场,在反疫苗和堕胎等问题上表现得前后矛盾,这引发了广泛的争议。 @Shanti Stanton : 我认为特朗普政府冻结联邦拨款的行政命令是非法的,因为它违反了宪法和既定的政府运作流程。总统无权自行修改宪法和既定程序,他可以通过既定的预算流程来削减开支,而不是违反宪法。 国会已经拨款给各机构,特朗普无权阻止这些机构使用这些资金。他的行为对依赖政府资金的企业和个人造成了严重的负面影响,也引发了公众的恐慌。 我认为特朗普试图通过其行为来改变白宫和国会之间的权力平衡,试图证明白宫拥有更大的预算控制权。然而,他的行为更多的是由于无知,而不是蓄意为之。 埃隆·马斯克对美国政府运作流程缺乏了解,他的“破坏重建”理念不适用于美国政府。 针对那些担心其拨款或贷款可能无法兑现的客户,我建议他们继续参与拨款流程,并与国会成员沟通。民主党游说者在当前的政治环境下仍然具有重要作用。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump's executive order freezing federal grants and loans, focusing on the widespread confusion and uncertainty it caused in Washington D.C. and among those who depend on this funding.
  • Trump issued an executive order to freeze federal grants and loans.
  • The order was rescinded within 24 hours due to its broad and sweeping nature.
  • Uncertainty remained about the exact implications of the order.
  • The order caused widespread fear and chaos in Washington D.C.

Shownotes Transcript

Tara starts the pod with an update on the fallout from Donald Trump’s federal funding freeze, and Robert Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearings. She’s then joined by lobbyist and consultant with Oxford Strategies, Shanti Stanton, to talk about the legalities of Trump’s executive orders, examine Elon Musk’s role in the chaos, and discuss what this means for the affected programs going forward.

For more of Tara’s reporting, please sign up for her newsletter, 'The Best and the Brightest,' at and use the discount code TARA20.

Host: Tara Palmeri

Guest: Shanti Stanton

Producer: Chris Sutton

Production Supervision: Conor Nevins

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