cover of episode Why the Dirt on Trump's Cabinet Picks Won't Stick With Pat Dennis

Why the Dirt on Trump's Cabinet Picks Won't Stick With Pat Dennis

logo of podcast Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri

Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Pat Dennis
Tara Palmeri
@Tara Palmeri : 我认为特朗普的内阁提名人选存在严重问题,例如Pete Hegseth被指控性侵犯、酗酒和管理不善,Tulsi Gabbard与阿萨德秘密会面,以及Kash Patel拥有敌人名单等。这些提名人通常不会获得确认,但这次却似乎能够顺利通过。这可能是因为特朗普将其视为忠诚度测试,或者是因为反对派的研究没有有效地施压参议员。为了影响公众舆论,民主党反对派的研究团体应该改变策略,不再仅仅依赖主流媒体,而是转向内容创作者和网红等。主流媒体的公信力下降,人们不再信任它,这使得改变媒体策略变得必要。最终,让不合格的人进入政府职位,最终会损害特朗普及其支持者的利益,并可能导致共和党参议员在未来的选举中失利。我的目标是削弱共和党参议员,最终目标是赢得选举,而不是仅仅阻止内阁提名人的确认。 @Pat Dennis : 我的日常工作包括收集线索、打电话、查阅公共记录、寻找信息,甚至上门拜访相关人士。反对派研究首先要查阅已知的新闻报道,然后挖掘隐藏的信息,例如抵押文件、离婚记录和公司财务记录等。反对派研究的难点在于判断哪些信息对选民重要,哪些信息能够成为重要的新闻故事。除了与记者合作外,我们也开始更多地与内容创作者合作,以接触更广泛的受众。民主党在影响那些阅读主流新闻的人群方面做得很好,但要阻止特朗普的提名人,需要激怒共和党人,并让他们向共和党参议员施压。我们的策略目标是阻止不合格的提名人,同时损害特朗普政府的声誉。我们的长期目标是让美国人民了解特朗普政府的所作所为,最终目标是赢得选举,夺回权力。主流媒体发布初始新闻报道,内容创作者随后会讨论这些新闻,这是一个两步走的过程。我们优先选择地方电视台作为发布调查性报道的首选渠道。我们的策略是确保参议员为他们的投票行为付出代价,最终目标是赢得选举,夺回权力。我认为Tulsi Gabbard和Kash Patel可能会在确认过程中失败,原因是情报界掌握的信息以及Kash Patel的负面形象。这是一个长期策略,因为对抗特朗普的忠诚度运动和背后的资金支持非常困难。我们的目标是赢得选举,夺回权力,而不是仅仅关注内阁提名人的确认。这些有争议的提名人对特朗普来说可能是有利的,但对共和党品牌和共和党整体来说是不利的。

Deep Dive

Tara Palmeri and Pat Dennis discuss the controversial cabinet nominees of Donald Trump, including Pete Hegseth, Tulsi Gabbard, and Kash Patel. They question why these problematic individuals are seemingly sailing through confirmation despite public accusations and controversies, exploring the role of opposition research and the changing media landscape.
  • Trump's cabinet nominees face various accusations (sexual assault, drinking problems, financial misconduct, etc.)
  • Republican senators seem open to confirming these nominees despite controversies
  • The effectiveness of mainstream media in influencing political decisions is questioned

Shownotes Transcript

Tara is joined by Pat Dennis, president of the Democratic Super PAC American Bridge 21st Century, to discuss the viability of Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees and the media’s role in exposing their inefficiencies to the American public. They shine a light on the dark world of political opposition research, speculate on which of Trump’s controversial picks will make it through confirmation, and debate the effectiveness of mainstream news on the modern voter.

For more of Tara’s reporting, please sign up for her newsletter, 'The Best and the Brightest,' at and use the discount code TARA20.

Host: Tara Palmeri

Guest: Pat Dennis

Producer: Chris Sutton

Production Supervision: Conor Nevins

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