NEW Season 3: The Apartheid Killer. All the victims were black and the youngest was just 12 years ol
World of Secrets presents, The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam. Bre-X’s new partners visit the Indonesi
As the value of the Indonesian gold discovery skyrockets, it’s not just everyday investors who want
It’s gold fever. Estimates put the Bre-X discovery at four times the size of the biggest known gold
World of Secrets presents The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam. Bre-X geologist Michael de Guzman is the
It was the biggest gold mine fraud of all time – a scam that devastated countless lives. But what re
World of Secrets teams are working on new investigations. Now you’ve finished listening to The Bad G
Miranda returns to Paris after some surprising news about the guru Gregorian Bivolaru. This episod
“I was admitting it was a sex cult,” says Miranda. She meets up with her mother Penny to tell her w
The guru Gregorian Bivolaru comes to the door in a dressing gown and welcomes Miranda in. He is her
“I don't have my passport. I don't have my phone. I don't have my bank card… I have nothing”. Mirand
Miranda joins thousands of the guru Gregorian Bivolaru’s followers from around the world at a yoga f
Miranda joins a yoga school in London. The classes make her feel amazing and the people make her fe
Miranda’s search for inner peace through yoga leads to allegations of grooming, trafficking and expl
Our investigation moves to a hotel car park in Norwich, England. What more new leads will this bring
Colin and Yemesi track down Fox's former crewmate, fresh out of a Brazilian jail and seemingly ready
A police chief in Brazil investigates Fox. He spends months overseeing surveillance of Fox’s yacht,