cover of episode Finding Mr Fox: 4. A detective calls

Finding Mr Fox: 4. A detective calls

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#forensic investigation#biotechnology and neuroscience#intelligence and espionage People
Andre Gonçalves
@Andre Gonçalves : 巴西警方在收到英国国家犯罪调查局关于"富饶收获"号游艇可疑活动的线报后,展开了长达数月的秘密监控。调查过程中,警方发现该游艇在巴西进行了一系列复杂的翻新工程,并在游艇南下后,@Fox 对游艇内部结构进行了修改,特别是对后来发现藏匿毒品的油箱进行了改装。尽管在纳塔尔对游艇进行搜查时未发现毒品,但在佛得角发现超过一吨的可卡因后,警方掌握了足够的证据,正式立案调查,将包括船员在内的所有人列为嫌疑人。最终,警方认定Fox为该贩毒案的幕后主使,并通过国际刑警组织对其进行追捕,但由于程序问题,Fox最终被释放。尽管如此,警方仍然坚持对Fox追究责任,并为被错误定罪的@Rodrigo @Daniel 争取到了无罪释放。 Rodrigo: 作为"富饶收获"号的船员,Rodrigo在不知情的情况下卷入了贩毒案,在佛得角被捕并被判刑。在漫长的审判过程中,他始终坚持自己的清白,最终在证据不足的情况下被释放,但案件仍在继续。 Daniel: 与Rodrigo的经历相似,Daniel也因"富饶收获"号贩毒案被捕入狱,在佛得角被判刑。在漫长的审判过程中,他始终坚持自己的清白,最终在证据不足的情况下被释放,但案件仍在继续。 @Robert Delbos : 作为"富饶收获"号的船员,Robert Delbos在西班牙被捕,并被引渡到巴西。他的证词证实了Fox是事件的中心人物,船员们并不知道毒品的存在,为Rodrigo和Daniel的无罪释放提供了关键证据。 Fox: 作为"富饶收获"号的船主,Fox是该贩毒案的幕后主使。他利用游艇进行可卡因走私,并在巴西对游艇进行改装,将毒品藏匿在油箱中。尽管被捕,但由于程序问题最终被释放,目前下落不明,仍面临巴西司法的追究。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Andre Gonçalves decide to investigate Fox's yacht?

Andre Gonçalves received a tip-off from Britain’s National Crime Agency about a suspicious yacht believed to be carrying cocaine from Europe to Brazil. He was determined to fix what he saw as a grave injustice for the sailors involved.

How did Andre Gonçalves initially locate Fox's yacht?

Andre Gonçalves and his team focused their search on the Bay of Aratu, a vast area with many small islands and inlets. They eventually found the yacht, the Rich Harvest, by its two distinctive towering masts.

What challenges did Andre Gonçalves face during the surveillance of Fox's yacht?

The yacht was difficult to locate due to its lack of identifying markers like a flag or boat number. Additionally, the yacht underwent complex renovations, making it hard to determine if a crime was being committed without a formal investigation.

How did Andre Gonçalves and his team gather intelligence on Fox's yacht?

They used covert actions, such as visiting the marina without identifying themselves and pretending to be interested in buying the yacht. They also gathered information from the mechanic and other marina staff.

Why did Andre Gonçalves become suspicious of Fox's behavior after his return from a trip south?

Upon Fox's return, Andre noticed a change in his behavior, including increased isolation on the boat and restricted access. Fox also started doing renovations himself, which raised alarm bells.

What evidence did Andre Gonçalves have to convince a judge to issue an arrest warrant for Fox?

Andre had evidence from the tip-off, Fox's payment for yacht renovations, his trip south, and modifications to the boat's internal structures where the drugs were later found. However, Fox was not seen with any drugs.

Why was Fox eventually released despite the arrest warrant?

Fox was released because the paperwork for his extradition to Brazil arrived too late. Despite Andre's efforts, Fox was freed without having to face justice in Brazil.

How did the sailors, Rodrigo and Daniel, manage to get released from prison in Cape Verde?

Their sentences were overturned on a technicality, and they were released on remand after reaching the maximum length of time someone can be held without conviction in Cape Verde.

What is Andre Gonçalves's view on the involvement of Rodrigo and Daniel in the drug smuggling operation?

Andre believes Rodrigo and Daniel are innocent, based on the testimony of Robert Delbos and the lack of evidence linking them to the drugs.

What is the current status of Fox's legal situation?

Fox remains at large, and the investigation is closed in Brazil. However, if he is ever located, he can still be held accountable by Brazilian justice.

Andre Gonçalves receives a tip-off from the National Crime Agency about a suspicious yacht, the Rich Harvest, believed to be carrying drugs from Europe to Brazil.
  • Tip-off received from the National Crime Agency
  • Suspicion of drug smuggling on the Rich Harvest yacht
  • Andre Gonçalves tasked with overseeing Brazil's response

Shownotes Transcript

A police chief in Brazil investigates Fox. He spends months overseeing surveillance of Fox’s yacht, then months more investigating how more than a tonne of cocaine ended up on board.

For Andre Gonçalves, it begins with a tipoff from Britain’s National Crime Agency. He’s determined to fix what he sees as a grave injustice for the sailors after their arrest and harsh sentencing.