cover of episode The Bad Guru: 2. The Technique

The Bad Guru: 2. The Technique

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World Of Secrets

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主持人Cat McShane
@Miranda : 本集主要讲述了Miranda在罗马尼亚参加一个为期两周的瑜伽节的经历,该活动由伦敦Tara瑜伽中心推荐。在活动中,她经历了一系列令人不安的事件,包括被要求上交护照和手机,宣誓不透露别墅内发生的事情;观看色情视频;参加高度性暗示的“Miss Shakti”比赛;参与一个组织的性爱仪式,其中包括饮用其他女性的尿液。这些经历让她对Tara瑜伽中心和其背后的精神领袖Gregorian Bivilaru产生了质疑。 她起初被Tara瑜伽中心的友好氛围所吸引,但后来发现一些老师鼓励她以不舒服的方式与其他成员互动,并认为这些行为有某种精神理由。在罗马尼亚的瑜伽节上,这种性暗示和性剥削行为更加明显和极端。她参加了“Miss Shakti”比赛,目睹了比赛中越来越露骨的性行为,并最终参与了一个组织的性爱仪式,这让她感到震惊和不安。 尽管如此,她仍然渴望见到Gregorian Bivilaru,并相信这些经历对她有某种精神上的益处。她还参与了Ecstatic Joy Temple的裸体按摩工作,认为这有助于她的精神成长。 最终,她意识到自己被卷入了一个邪教组织,并开始质疑自己所经历的一切。 @Bec : Bec是一位来自澳大利亚的女性,她在印度接触到Gregorian Bivilaru的教义后,参加了罗马尼亚的瑜伽节。她认为这个瑜伽节有很多美好的事物,例如舞台表演和穿着比基尼的女性,并认为这个组织能够解答她人生中的疑问。她对瑜伽节中出现的性暗示内容没有表现出明显的抵触情绪。 @Michael : Michael是Tara瑜伽中心的前成员,他解释了Gregorian Bivilaru的瑜伽运动在罗马尼亚共产党垮台后变得流行的原因,因为它为人们提供了精神寄托和社区归属感,吸引了许多寻求精神慰藉或心理疗愈的人。 @Harriet : Harriet是Tara瑜伽中心的前成员,她讲述了自己被鼓励在Ecstatic Joy Temple从事裸体按摩的经历。她认为这是一种性剥削行为,她没有对工作内容的自主权,并且收入与顾客支付的费用不成比例。她还指出Ecstatic Joy Temple与Tara瑜伽中心存在密切联系,Tara瑜伽中心的老师参与了Ecstatic Joy Temple的运营。 @主持人Cat McShane : 主持人对整个事件进行了梳理和总结,并采访了多位相关人士,揭露了@MISA 组织的性剥削行为以及Gregorian Bivilaru对信徒的精神控制。 @专家 : 专家指出,人们普遍认为瑜伽和健康产业是健康安全的,因此容易放松警惕;人们在寻求自我提升时更容易忽视危险信号,因为他们渴望有人指导他们前进。 MISA: MISA否认在营地里营造了性化氛围,并表示他们提倡“精致、高尚、提升、精神化的色情”,这与原始的、本能的、甚至贬低的性行为完全相反。他们还否认要求提供裸照,并认为女性裸体是美好的、值得欣赏的。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Miranda initially trust the yoga festival in Romania despite the unusual conditions?

The festival was recommended by her yoga teachers at Tara Yoga Centre in London, where she had been attending for months and had a positive experience.

What was the atmosphere like at the women's villa during the yoga festival?

The atmosphere was described as a 'girls' holiday,' with around 150 women present, creating a sense of being part of an international and large community.

How did the yoga festival in Romania differ from a typical yoga event?

The festival included explicit sexual content, such as pornographic videos, a hyper-sexualised Miss Shakti competition, and a ritual involving group sex and drinking urine, which are not typical of standard yoga events.

What is the 'technique' mentioned in the episode, and why was it considered spiritual?

The 'technique' involved a highly choreographed form of group sex where participants drank their partner's urine, referred to as 'elixir,' to absorb spiritual and physical qualities, including zodiac signs and health benefits.

Who is Gregorian Bivolaru, and why is he significant in the yoga movement?

Gregorian Bivolaru is the founder of MISA, a yoga organisation that became popular in the post-Soviet era in Romania. He is revered as a spiritual guide by thousands of followers across 29 countries under the Atman Federation.

What was the Miss Shakti competition, and how did it reflect the movement's values?

The Miss Shakti competition was a hyper-sexualised pageant where women competed based on their embodiment of the divine feminine, with stages becoming progressively more explicit, reflecting the movement's emphasis on sexual energy in spiritual practices.

Why did Miranda continue to participate in the activities at the yoga festival despite feeling uncomfortable?

Miranda believed that pushing her boundaries was necessary for spiritual growth, a core teaching of the Tara Yoga Centre, and she didn't want to be ostracised by the community.

What was the Ecstatic Joy Temple, and how was it connected to Tara Yoga Centre?

The Ecstatic Joy Temple was a topless massage parlour near Tara Yoga Centre, where some teachers worked. It was a place for spiritual growth, offering tantric massages, and was promoted by Tara Yoga teachers to their students.

How did Miranda's involvement with the yoga movement affect her personal life?

Miranda became increasingly isolated from her friends and family, devoting more time to the movement and taking a job at the Ecstatic Joy Temple, which she believed would aid her spiritual growth.

What was the initiation process for meeting Gregorian Bivolaru, and why was it significant?

The initiation was a significant ritual where Miranda would meet Bivolaru, and failing it would result in spiritual downfall, making it a crucial and non-optional step for her to maintain her place in the community.

Shownotes Transcript

Miranda joins thousands of the guru Gregorian Bivolaru’s followers from around the world at a yoga festival in a Romanian seaside resort. It’s a two week-long holiday and her food and accommodation is free. But is she being drawn into something darker?

This episode contains explicit sexual content.

Host: Cat McShane Producers: Emma Weatherill and Cat McShane Sound design: Melvin Rickarby Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey Unit Manager: Lucy Bannister Executive Producer: Innes Bowen Commissioning Editor: Dan Clarke Commissioning Executive: Tracy Williams