cover of episode World of Secrets presents: The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam

World of Secrets presents: The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam

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#financial industry scandals#investigative journalism#ambition and greed#forensic investigation#revenge narrative People
Suzanne Wilton
@Suzanne Wilton :我调查了发生在印尼丛林中的一起60亿美元的黄金骗局。加拿大矿业公司Briex虚报了黄金储量,引发了市场上极度的贪婪和疯狂。这场骗局不仅导致了巨额经济损失,更摧毁了无数人的生活和家庭。多年过去,至今仍未有人为此负责,许多疑点未解,例如首席地质学家的死因。我怀疑这其中存在着更大的阴谋,贪婪蒙蔽了真相。 我作为一名地质学家,很早就明白一个道理:你无法欺骗自然,你只能欺骗人。自然终将反噬。这场骗局就是一个很好的例子。它向我们揭示了贪婪的可怕后果,以及真相被掩盖的容易程度。 我将继续追查这起案件,直到真相大白。 @受害者 :这场骗局彻底摧毁了我们的生活。我们辛辛苦苦赚来的钱,一夜之间化为乌有。我的丈夫因为这场骗局而病了四年。加拿大全国各地,无数小城镇的居民都持有Briex公司的股份,这场骗局影响了无数家庭。我们失去了所有,而那些罪魁祸首却逍遥法外,这让我们感到无比愤怒和绝望。我们希望能够得到正义,让那些骗子受到应有的惩罚。

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This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the UK. I'm Natalia Melman-Petrozzella, and from the BBC, this is Extreme Peak Danger. The most beautiful mountain in the world. If you die on the mountain, you stay on the mountain. This is the story of what happened when 11 climbers died on one of the world's deadliest mountains, K2, and of the risks we'll take to feel truly alive.

If I tell all the details, you won't believe it anymore. Extreme, peak danger. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Yemi Siedegoke, one of the hosts of World of Secrets. The next World of Secrets investigation will be released in a couple of months. But in the meantime, we want to give you the chance to hear one of our other investigative podcasts. It's a brilliant, intriguing and astonishing story. The tale of the biggest goldmine fraud of all time.

It's a scam that devastated countless lives, but no one has ever been held accountable. First published in 2024 from the BBC World Service and CBC, it's the story of the $6 billion gold scam. We'll be releasing episodes on Mondays starting from the 24th of February. Here's Suzanne Wilton to tell you more. 25 years ago, I traveled from Canada to the Borneo jungle to investigate a gold discovery. ♪

A small Canadian mining company from my hometown of Calgary called Briex sold the world a six billion dollar gold deposit. We were all as jealous as hell. Briex had found the one we all hoped to find. There was a frenzy and a sense of greed that I have not seen since in the markets.

The greed at the time was just off the charts. So much money at stake and so much money to be made and so many dreams that people couldn't let go of. But it was too good to be true. As a geologist, you learn something very early on. And that is you don't fool nature. You only fool people. Nature comes back at you.

Thousands of people were conned. It destroyed lives, devastated families and communities. We lost everything. My husband was sick for four years. We worked hard for our money. Do you realize how many shareholders in Canada, you know, every little town across the nation, people have shares in this? It's an awful feeling of a tragic moment.

After all these years, no one has been brought to justice. No one has gone to jail. And so it's been nagging at me ever since. What really went down out there in the humid Indonesian jungle? Was there ever any gold? You know, you start getting this, it sounds silly, but you get kind of a creepy feeling. Something just isn't right. I actually thought our phones were tapped. Because, you know, again, we're talking billions of dollars here.

I can't tell anything to anybody. And how did their lead geologist die? He says, you're not going to believe this. I said, what? He says, the Guzman just fell out of a helicopter. I said, no, that didn't happen. He says, no, that's what we're being told. He fell out of a helicopter. Did he jump or was he pushed?

When Mike was about to leave for Canada, he was saying, Ma, why do I feel like I'm being followed? I've seen coups and evacuations, but I've never seen something as intriguing as this. Join me as I investigate how greed can obliterate the truth in the $6 billion gold scam from the BBC World Service and CBC. ♪

I'm Natalia Melman-Petruzzella, and from the BBC, this is Extreme: Peak Danger. The most beautiful mountain in the world. If you die on the mountain, you stay on the mountain. This is the story of what happened when 11 climbers died on one of the world's deadliest mountains, K2, and of the risks we'll take to feel truly alive. If I tell all the details, you won't believe it anymore.

Extreme. Peak danger. Listen wherever you get your podcasts.