cover of episode Finding Mr Fox: 6. What does the Fox say?

Finding Mr Fox: 6. What does the Fox say?

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Yemi Siadigoke
@Colin Freeman @Yemi Siadigoke :本集播客追踪调查了绰号“狐狸先生”的男子,试图了解其与Rich Harvest号走私案的关系。调查团队前往诺里奇寻找Fox,并采访了Fox的前同事@Sam 以及受此案影响的巴西水手@Daniel @Rodrigo 。他们试图还原事件真相,并揭露Fox的真实身份和行为。 Sam:Sam是Fox的前同事,他描述了Fox的性格特征、生活习惯以及其参与毒品交易的情况。他指出Fox喜欢炫耀财富,但可能并不富有;Fox曾使用其他名字,例如Saul和Gorgeous George;Fox曾在诺里奇做过门卫,并拥有良好的家庭背景和教育经历;Fox曾充当大麻中间商,并从荷兰走私大麻;Sam对Fox参与Rich Harvest号走私案感到震惊,并认为Fox利用魅力欺骗了Daniel和Rodrigo。 Daniel:Daniel是Rich Harvest号上的巴西水手,他讲述了被捕入狱的经历以及对未来的影响。他表示,入狱后他放弃了成为船长的梦想,并经历了多次失业。尽管如此,他仍然保持积极乐观的心态,并找到了新的生活方式。 Rodrigo:Rodrigo也是Rich Harvest号上的巴西水手,他讲述了被捕入狱的经历以及对未来的影响。他表示,入狱后他放弃了成为船长的梦想,并经历了多次失业。但他仍然热爱航海,并从事相关的自由职业。他认为过去的经历让他成长,并学会珍惜生活中的美好。 @Robert Delbos : Robert Delbos是Fox的前同事,他对Fox的军事背景提供了与Sam不同的说法,这增加了调查的复杂性。 Fox: Fox拒绝接受采访,并拒绝回应调查团队提出的所有指控。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Fox carry a lot of cash?

He carried a lot of cash to make it look like he had a lot of money, possibly to project an image of wealth and success.

What is the significance of the brass door knocker in the shape of a fox's head?

The brass door knocker in the shape of a fox's head suggests that the house is indeed where Fox lives, indicating a personal connection to the symbol.

Why did Fox's former associate, Sam, remain anonymous?

Sam remained anonymous due to his knowledge of the Norwich drug scene and potential links to the drug world, which could pose personal risks.

How did Fox's lifestyle reflect his interest in Guy Ritchie movies?

Fox's lifestyle, including his well-dressed appearance, carrying of cash, and interest in martial arts, mirrored the characters in Guy Ritchie's gangster movies, particularly those with a lawless edge.

What was Fox's response when approached by the BBC about the cocaine found on his yacht?

Fox refused to answer questions about the cocaine found on his yacht, stating 'I'm not doing this' and walking away from the interview.

Why did the Brazilian police claim Fox was an international drug trafficker?

The Brazilian police claimed Fox was an international drug trafficker based on the discovery of more than a tonne of cocaine on his yacht, the Rich Harvest, in 2017.

What challenges did Daniel and Rodrigo face after their imprisonment?

After imprisonment, Daniel and Rodrigo struggled to find work in the boating industry due to their criminal records, forcing them to seek alternative employment.

How did Daniel and Rodrigo's lives change after being cleared of charges?

After being cleared of charges, Daniel and Rodrigo experienced a sense of relief and were able to rebuild their lives, though they faced ongoing challenges in their careers.

Why did the BBC team decide to approach Fox at a business networking event?

The BBC team decided to approach Fox at a business networking event because it provided a predictable and controlled environment where they could directly ask him about the cocaine found on his yacht.

What was the outcome of the BBC's attempt to interview Fox?

The attempt to interview Fox was unsuccessful as he refused to answer any questions and quickly left the scene, indicating his unwillingness to discuss the matter.

The investigation team arrives in Norwich to find Fox and hear his side of the story regarding the cocaine found on his yacht.
  • The team arrives in Norwich with an address for Fox.
  • They spend hours staking out his house but see no sign of him.
  • A brass door knocker in the shape of a fox's head suggests they are at the right house.

Shownotes Transcript

Our investigation moves to a hotel car park in Norwich, England. What more new leads will this bring? We find the man himself, but what does Fox have to say about the tonne of cocaine found on his yacht? How does he respond to the claims from Brazilian police?