Gregorian Bivolaru is in hiding due to an Interpol Red Notice issued for him, including charges of aggravated trafficking in human beings and sexual abuse. He is also a fugitive from justice, having been sentenced to six years in prison for having sex with an underage girl.
Atman is known for its followers' reverence of the guru Gregorian Bivolaru and its promotion of tantric yoga, which involves the use of sexual energy in spiritual practices.
Miranda was driven across Europe with three other women, blindfolded and wearing dark glasses with masking tape to obscure her vision. They were taken to a secret location in Paris, where they had to surrender their passports, phones, and bank cards.
The Tara Yoga Centre, an affiliate of Atman, is a registered charity in England. Some teachers at the centre encouraged students to visit Gregorian Bivolaru while he was a fugitive, despite an Interpol Red Notice against him.
At the commune, Miranda lived under a strict regime, constantly cooking and cleaning, asking permission to leave, writing articles, and being photographed. She was also persuaded to perform in explicit scenes for an erotic film.
The Miss Shakti competition is a hyper-sexualized event where the winner is awarded the privilege of living with the spiritual guide, Gregorian Bivolaru. However, Miranda describes the winner as isolated, mentally unstable, and subjected to harsh treatment.
Miranda had to complete a series of bizarre tasks, including taking naked photos, watching testimonials, filling out questionnaires about orgasms, writing reflections on mainstream porn, signing non-disclosure forms, and taking a vow of secrecy.
Miranda believed that meeting Bivolaru would lead to a spiritual awakening and transformation, despite knowing about his criminal convictions. She was influenced by the movement's narrative that he was a victim of political persecution.
Miranda had to pack her belongings, shave all her body hair, avoid using deodorants, perfumes, or creams, and prepare with only a toothbrush and a couple of changes of underwear. She was then taken to an unknown location for her initiation.
Dr. Newcomb explains that yoga students, who believe their teachers have their best interests at heart and possess unique spiritual insights, are in a vulnerable position where they may idealize their teachers and follow instructions without questioning.
“I don't have my passport. I don't have my phone. I don't have my bank card… I have nothing”. Miranda is driven through Paris with her eyes covered to meet the guru Gregorian Bivolaru at a secret location. Why is her spiritual guide in hiding?
This episode contains sexual content.
Host: Cat McShane Producers: Emma Weatherill and Cat McShane Sound design: Melvin Rickarby Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey Unit Manager: Lucy Bannister Executive Producer: Innes Bowen Commissioning Editor: Dan Clarke Commissioning Executive: Tracy Williams