我深入调查了一个名为格里高利·比沃拉鲁(Gregorian Bivolaru)领导的国际瑜伽组织,揭露了其隐藏在精神修行外衣下的性剥削和邪教本质。这个故事由多位受害者和知情人士的证词构成,拼凑出令人震惊的真相。
Mihai Rapture:律师的良心
Mihai Rapture,曾担任比沃拉鲁的律师,亲历了这个组织的兴衰。他讲述了从1999年开始,罗马尼亚的瑜伽学校如何利用网络摄像头业务进行性剥削。虽然比沃拉鲁公开反对卖淫,但他却认为网络摄像头表演不同,甚至赋予其“精神意义”,鼓励女学员参与,声称这能使她们“更女性化”。Rapture对此深感怀疑,他认为这不过是披着精神外衣的赤裸裸的剥削。2009年,他试图劝说比沃拉鲁停止这种行为,但最终失败了。这预示着这个组织堕落的不可逆转。
Maria Poresvelt和Bogdan Radasanu:权力与掩盖
Tara Yoga中心的负责人Maria Poresvelt,其关于性愉悦的讲座,巧妙地暗示了该组织如何利用精神承诺来控制成员。更令人震惊的是,捷克媒体的调查揭露了该组织与一栋网络摄像头房屋的关联,而这栋房屋竟是由Maria Poresvelt和另一位负责人Bogdan Radasanu以Atman Federation的名义购买的。这栋房屋与Miranda曾居住的网络摄像头房屋性质相同,大部分居住者都曾是该瑜伽组织的学员。 Bogdan Radasanu更进一步,代表比沃拉鲁试图通过播放Miranda四年前的录音来诋毁她的说法,企图掩盖真相。
Laura Hancock和Bec:正义的追寻
独立瑜伽老师Laura Hancock多年来一直调查这个组织,她帮助Miranda联系媒体和警方,并为其他受害者提供支持。她对警方调查的缓慢进展感到沮丧,并强调公开揭露真相的重要性。来自澳大利亚的受害者Bec,也分享了她与法国警方合作调查的经历,同样面临着调查进展缓慢的困境。
这个调查揭示了一个隐藏在光鲜亮丽的瑜伽外衣下的黑暗世界。它提醒我们,警惕那些利用精神信仰进行操控和剥削的组织,并为受害者提供支持和帮助。 正义的道路漫长而艰辛,但真相终将大白。 这场斗争仍在继续,但比沃拉鲁的逮捕,为所有受害者带来了希望,也为未来类似事件的预防敲响了警钟。
Gregorian Bivolaru, the guru of the international yoga movement, did not own the cam girl businesses but encouraged members of his yoga school to work as cam girls. He believed there was something spiritual in this work, claiming it helped women become more feminine. The earnings from these businesses were often donated back to the guru and his network, aiding the movement's growth.
Miranda joined the Tara Yoga Centre in London and, through her involvement with the international yoga movement, ended up working in a topless massage parlour in London and later in a live online pornography business in Prague. She was told she needed to pay for her passage by doing cam girl work, which was common among women in the movement.
A Czech newspaper investigation uncovered a webcam house 80km north of Prague, owned by the Atman Federation, the umbrella organisation for Tara Yoga. The purchase agreement for the house was signed by two senior teachers from Tara Yoga, Maria Pawsfeld and Bogdan Radasanu, who were directors of the Atman Federation at the time.
Miranda began to realize she was part of a cult after watching documentaries about cults and reflecting on her experiences. She decided to leave and speak out to prevent others from being exploited in the same way. She shared her story with her mother and others, eventually going public to raise awareness and seek justice.
The yoga movement, led by Gregorian Bivolaru, attempted to discredit Miranda by playing a coerced recording of her past statements to suggest she was lying. They held meetings to denounce her and accused her of taking advantage of others' naivety. Despite this, some members left the movement after hearing her story.
Miranda and other former members reported their concerns to Thames Valley Police, but the investigation concluded that no offenses had taken place in their area. Gregorian Bivolaru was eventually arrested in November 2023, marking a significant moment for those seeking justice against the movement's exploitation.
Miranda's mother, Penny, was horrified and deeply shaken by her daughter's revelations. She felt a mix of relief that Miranda had left the movement and sadness for the trauma Miranda had endured. Penny expressed absolute revulsion towards the organisation and described Gregorian Bivolaru as a 'complete shit.'
“I was admitting it was a sex cult,” says Miranda. She meets up with her mother Penny to tell her what she's really been up to. When she tells her story to students from the yoga school where her journey started, the guru Gregorian denounces her as a liar.
This episode contains sexual content.
Host: Cat McShane Producers: Emma Weatherill and Cat McShane Sound design: Melvin Rickarby Production Coordinator: Juliette Harvey Unit Manager: Lucy Bannister Executive Producer: Innes Bowen Commissioning Editor: Dan Clarke Commissioning Executive: Tracy Williams