Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever.
Getting car sick can really ruin a trip – for EVERYONE in the car! But maybe you’ve heard – there ar
There’s more to making a great burger than meets the eye. This summertime episode begins with expert
In an argument there are usually two things going on that make it so difficult. Listen as I begin th
When dogs meet they often sniff each other. It appears we humans do the same thing (to other humans,
Sunscreen has been around for a long time. Has it changed much? Are there advancements in “sunscreen
Of course, you know what a tank top is – but do you know why it is called a tank top? A tee-shirt lo
We all know sunscreen is important – but only if you cover all the places you need to cover. Interes
Whenever you see the equal sign, you know what it means. So how did these two little parallel lines
10% of the human population is left-handed but what about other animals? Do they have a preference f
Gasoline is expensive and we all need to make sure we are squeezing every mile out of every gallon.
Ever try to get your dog or cat to recognize themselves in the mirror? This episode begins with an e
So many of us fantasize about being rich. Wouldn’t it be great to win the lottery or inherit a ton o
Why do they call it PLASTIC surgery? It seems like a weird word to use. What’s even weirder is that
The sound of crickets on a summer night can be quite pleasing. And the little critters making that s
Here is a problem about spaghetti that has stumped some of the brightest minds in science, including
Even though we have celebrated Memorial Day for a long time, it wasn’t made an official national Hol
Look at any can of cooking spray and it will say on the label that it has zero calories. How can tha
Whenever I fly, I see people on the plane who look like they are doing important work on their lapto
Why do you suppose it is that dogs love to hang their heads out of a moving car window? What’s the t
“Your call is very important to us.” That is just one of many phrases businesses use trying to convi