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How to Live Your Life with No Regrets & What Bad Words Do

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jess Zafarris
Jodi Wellman
Mike Carruthers
Jodi Wellman: 我们常常在自动驾驶模式下生活,没有意识到生命短暂,应该更紧急和有目标地生活。预期的快乐比实际体验的快乐更多,所以应该有计划地安排能让自己感到快乐的事情。临终前的遗憾主要分为两种:做了后悔的事和没做后悔的事,后者更令人痛苦,所以应该尽早行动,避免留下遗憾。计算自己还剩下多少个星期一,可以帮助人们意识到生命有限,从而更珍惜时间。即使时间有限,也可以通过一些小的改变来让生活更有意义。享受生活不仅在于做事情本身,更在于享受做事情的过程和感受。对未来的期待也能带来快乐,所以应该有计划地安排一些让自己期待的事情。很多人因为担心而错过了很多机会,应该克服这种担忧,勇敢地去做想做的事情。 Jess Zafarris: 几乎所有语言都有脏话,它们是表达情绪的一种方式。英语中的脏话很多源于古英语,而更礼貌的表达则源于法语和拉丁语,这反映了当时的阶级差异。脏话的接受度提高与法律的放松和媒体的改变有关。互联网的普及使人们更容易接触到各种语言,模糊了不同群体之间的语言界限,导致脏话的接受度提高。现在人们更倾向于避免使用带有歧视性的词语,因为这些词语会对特定群体造成伤害。许多脏话的起源存在误解,例如F字和SH字并非首字母缩略词。 Mike Carruthers: 一些流传已久的健康谣言并不属实,例如每天喝八杯水、吃早餐有助于减肥等。

Deep Dive


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If you’ve ever felt you were in a rut or that your life is on autopilot, you need to listen to Jodi Wellman. She will inspire you to lead a life of purpose and intention – and without regret. It is not about doing the big and grandiose things as much as it is savoring the joys you have and anticipating what’s to come and making time to do the things you will regret if you DON’T do them. It’s a magical formula that she explains so well in this episode. Jodie is a former corporate executive turned executive coach who has a master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and she is author of the book You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets ( Her website is

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