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Where Your Deep Desires Comes From & How Evolution Shaped You

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Luke Burgis
Marlene Zuk
Luke Burgis: 人类的欲望很大程度上是模仿性的,我们模仿他人的欲望,这些欲望塑造了我们的身份认同和选择。这种模仿不仅仅体现在物质层面,也体现在大学专业选择、品牌偏好甚至身份认同等抽象的欲望目标上。我们通常不自觉地模仿他人,将他人作为我们欲望的榜样,这会导致竞争和攀比。然而,我们并非完全被动地接受社会的影响,我们可以通过反思和选择榜样来更主动地塑造自己的欲望,区分‘厚欲望’和‘薄欲望’,并通过反思过去的行为模式来发现自己真正的核心驱动力。 René Girard 的理论指出,人类是模仿性的,我们无法完全摆脱这种模仿性,但我们可以更主动地选择影响我们的人。通过了解这些影响,我们可以更清晰地认识到自己的欲望,并更有效地控制它们。 Mike Carruthers: 与Luke Burgis的讨论中,主持人提出了一些关于人类欲望的有趣问题,例如,人们的欲望是否仅仅源于对其他人的模仿?人们如何区分真实的欲望和受他人影响的欲望?以及如何更主动地塑造自己的欲望?Luke Burgis 对这些问题进行了深入的探讨,并分享了他对人类欲望的独到见解。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Here is a problem about spaghetti that has stumped some of the brightest minds in science, including Nobel prize winning physicist Richard Feynman: Hold one strand of spaghetti at each end and try to break it into two pieces. You will find that it is impossible. There now appears to be an explanation thanks to some very high-speed cameras. Listen and I will tell you what it is.

You want things. I want things. We all want things. That is what human desire is all about. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you desire those particular things? For an explanation of human desire, we turn to Luke Burgis. He is an entrepreneur and a philosopher and he has written a book about desire titled, Wanting ( Listen as he offers insight into what triggers all of our desires – big and small.

If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes? That’s one of many questions people ponder about evolution. Perhaps you’ve also wondered if humans are still evolving, or have we stopped? Can we predict how evolution will change the world? These are just some of the questions I tackle with Marlene Zuk. She is an evolutionary biologist and author of the book Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live ( Listen and you will have a better understanding of how we evolved to be who we are.

When a child gets hurt, what you do and say in response is critical. And it isn’t only because the correct response can soothe the child and alleviate their stress, it can also affect the way the child recovers from an injury. Listen to hear the science of this important phenomenon. Source: Judith Acosta author of Verbal First Aid (


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