cover of episode The Science of Sexual Attraction & What Does Your Job Mean to You?

The Science of Sexual Attraction & What Does Your Job Mean to You?

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Something You Should Know

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James Giles
Jennifer Tosti-Kharas
Mike Carruthers
Mike Carruthers: 本期节目探讨了性吸引力的科学性,以及人们对工作意义的重新思考。性吸引力不同于其他类型的吸引力,它完全基于外貌,是一种强大的、个体化的吸引力。工作方面,人们不再像以前那样将工作视为终身职业,而是更加关注工作的意义和价值,寻求工作与生活的平衡。 James Giles: 性吸引力是一种体验性的元素,让人感觉自己被另一个人像磁铁一样吸引,这与外貌有关,但并不等同于外貌。性吸引力包含三个组成部分:被吸引、被无助地吸引以及对亲密关系的渴望。性吸引力不等于长期的良好匹配,人们选择伴侣的因素有很多。男女对性吸引力的反应可能存在差异,但这种差异主要体现在长期关系而非瞬间吸引上。 Jennifer Tosti-Kharas: 工作世界已经发生了巨大的变化,人们对工作的看法也发生了变化。新冠疫情加速了工作方式的变化,并促使人们重新思考工作的意义。人们不再像以前那样将工作视为终身职业,而是更加关注工作的意义和价值,寻求工作与生活的平衡。人们不必热爱自己的工作也能做好工作并过上幸福的生活,工作可以为家庭提供物质保障,也可以让人有时间享受生活中的其他乐趣。人们正在质疑工作的价值,并重新思考工作在生活中的意义,这与人工智能和自动化技术的发展有关。

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Of course, you know what a tank top is – but do you know why it is called a tank top? A tee-shirt looks like the letter T. But a tank top doesn’t look like a tank. So where did the name come from? Listen as I start this episode with the explanation that goes back to the 1920s.

We have all likely felt a sexual attraction to someone. When you see that person across the room at a party and you can’t take your eyes off him or her – that is sexual attraction. It is very different from other kinds of human attraction, like being attracted to someone as a friend or someone you want to work with. True sexual attraction is based solely on a person’s appearance. It is a universal yet very individualized pull towards someone else and it can be very powerful. Joining me to discuss the science of this little known human experience is James Giles. He is lecturer at the University of Cambridge Institute for Continuing Education and is well known for his writings on philosophical psychology and human relationships. He is author of the book, Sexual Attraction: The Psychology of Allure (

The whole world of work has changed a lot in the last several years. Today, people don’t stay in one job or even in one career like they used to. Additionally, people are questioning their work and asking themselves, “Is this really what I want to be doing?” It also seems people are looking to find more meaning in their work, not just a paycheck. To help understand why things have changed and how best to navigate these changes is Jennifer Tosti-Kharas . She is a professor of management at Babson College and author of the book Is Your Work Worth It?: How to Think About Meaningful Work (

It is a mystery that has confounded people since the invention of laundry: Why does one sock go missing and where does it go? Listen as I explain one very plausible solution that explains why you have socks without a mate.


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