B Prior's Podcast

B Prior is a contemporary visionary whose life is utterly devoted to the awakening of humanity. He o


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A beautiful longer excerpt from a recent satsang. Global Satsang - 11 Oct 2020

A beautiful longer excerpt from a recent satsang. Sunday Session 11 OCT 2020 PART 2

A beautiful piece from a conversation on retreat Nothing actually deepens for the one who is here

On Brokenness


A short piece about brokenness from the 8 Day Online Retreat " Brokenness is beautiful. A broken

Q: It seems to my knowing that the pain and the constant difficulty in the body brings me to a new p

How deeply do you know yourself? Because until you deeply know yourself, you won't be able to, as it

Within every condition is the Unconditional. The Unconditional does not rise on its own. Amongst the

As You Speak...


As you speak, catch yourself speaking as if there are two of you. You who had the experience in the

We are discovering what we are, and what is the nature of Knowing or Consciousness? And what is the

What Is Now?


What is NOW? Who is NOW? Is it a thing? Is it an energy? Is it a body, is it a mind, is it a movem

To whom does this perception appear'? To whom does this moment appear' ? If we look, just stop for

First off give up listening to the news, give up all media accept the media of the heart, the media

To be what you deeply are you have to agree with it as the only constant thing that needs your agree

This One I Am


This One I Am has no before or after, has no above or below, it is neither close nor distant. It

How Will You Live?


Have you ever known yourself without existing? Have you ever known yourself without existing? Have

Maybe, when I centre my movement, my life on what I see with my eyes but not what I know with my 'I

The Breeze Of Being


B: Which will you belong to? Q: to Being B: Yes...so Being may breeze you down a black hole. In

Brave Hearts


The finer experience of being is what's becoming, not a program of past identification, whether you

I am going to suggest to you that when you're ready to drop everything, whoever you are, and you're

Drop All Fantasies


What if who we are does not need to feel a particular way to be free? What if the world that you an