First off give up listening to the news, give up all media accept the media of the heart, the media of warmth, the media of care, the media of 'more'. More love, more wholeness, more recognition. Give everything else up. Give up looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Give up the the idea that you are a someone! Catch yourself believing your are someone. And love that in softness. Give up all the things that are related to anybody called 'your name'. But love you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Then love others as you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Don't pick up a newspaper in between. The newspapers are just the censorship of you. The good news is You. That's it! The good news is us. That's it! That's the good news. Do that for a month. And you'll see the difference. You won't bother with the news. Give up those distractions. The good news is here. It is I AM THAT. That's the good news. Now respond to that constantly.
From Sunday Online Satsang 200628