cover of episode How Will You Live?

How Will You Live?

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Have you ever known yourself without existing? Have you ever known yourself without existing? Have you ever actually had anything pass away? Are YOU passing away? Did you ever pass away? Will you ever pass away?

This brings us to the next question.. Can there be two realities? Can there be a reality that says 'I'm a person', 'I'm a someone', with all the content of conditionality , all the personalised imprints of polarity such as likes and dislikes. Do hear we are not making any of this wrong.

Maybe we might find it is actually a play.

There cannot be two realities, a self, born in certain conditions with certain rules, a self that moves in and as space and time looking for familiarity to move by as if familiarity is pure knowledge or pure I, in other words, the gold?

Or is it that THE Self is real, so that's The Self with no before or after, no above or below, no closeness or distance, no how or where or when. No time , no moment , no duration. Literally no manifestation and yet manifestation is made of 'This'.

No place, One without Oneness, Singularity without being One. Apparent without appearance hidden without hiding.

All that I hear is the deeper Truth, the truth of That that is Here. Not anywhere else but Here. You could call it the Lord if you want, or the Truth or Pure Light or Awareness.

I am actually asking you or at least I am pointing towards your own deeper entrance into knowing What You Are.

Will you live as the world, will you live as time and space ? Will you live as if you have a duration? Will you live as if you're someone? Will yo live to a certain code or a certain truth ? Or will you live completely openly AS You?

Again, Who Are You ? How will you live ?

Will you simply remember Love , be Love and eve though tere may be feelings of fear, will you just leave fear alone ? Will you leave time and space alone ? Will you leave the future alone ? Will you leave the past alone?

Of course I can speak in many different ways ...I could say that you are Consciousness and you have access to many different dimensions, but what of what good or benefit is that to you, if you believe you are a someone? Does someone have access to the No-one?

Can your past identified and names as a someone ever know itself? Can only the Beingness of Truth , not divides from some outside idea, some book or some other , can only Truth know Truth? Can only Love know Love ? And yet I am saying that the one who is Here, and please keep your 'I' in your own core Truth, is Love, is duration.

Where utter Openness and Freedom is, delight is, joy is that One. We might hear that the mind is still making the listener other than that One. But that One is speaking and listening, that One is seeing and hearing . That One is That that is Here, wherever Here is .

So then it is said that if you know yourself without existing and passing away you actually know God, not You as someone , but You as You.

from 200614 -