
What Is Humans?

Dennis Kluba and Shane Strunk experts on almost nothing discuss meaningful topics about everyday lif


Total: 99

Worry Less


Off the back of our last week’s episode on decision making we are working on pumping the brakes a li

Growing Pains


As we get older we begin to mature and things around us start to change. It’s hard to explain, but d

Stop Apologizing


Do you mean it? As a kid and even as an adult that was always something we would ask someone when th

Delusional Confidence


Fear can be the biggest inhibitor to starting. Insecurities within ourselves often act as the bigges

Asking For Help


The topic for this week’s episode is all about asking for help. Asking for help seemed so easy when

Intentional Spontaneity


Working on yourself is hard work. That’s just the truth. It requires focus, hard work and lots of di

Close The Gap


Goals are just dreams without a plan. The ability to dream and think big is key to living the most a

Art of Busyness


There’s a big difference between being overwhelmed and being fulfilled. The feeling that we have can

Shame In Pursuit


You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. Shame can feel like one of those inevitables

Life Investments


Planning can be difficult, it’s something that takes effort and intentionality, and most importantly

Creating Meaning


So often in life we can feel trapped in the mundane tasks of life. As life moves fast it may seem ex

Experts in Uncertainty


  Pain, Uncertainty and Constant Work, are the three things that Dr. Phillip Stutz claims are the on

Quality Demands Quality


There are certain standards in life that we set for ourselves. They live in all different worlds tha

Expression of Self


Today we discuss a topic that is intimidating to most, but has the power to unlock your greatest pot

Write Your Own Narrative


According to Seth Godin, there are two stories in our lives, the one we want the world to tell about

Hope In Uncertainty


 The world is full of uncertainty. Uncertainty in our days, weeks and months, our careers, passions

Lessons of '22


Today in the final episode of What is Humans? In the year 2022 we look back at the biggest lessons a

After Effects


As the new year approaches and we look back and reflect on the past year, it can be easy to make a l

Demands of Self


As individuals we have to be able to gauge in a healthy way how much we are demanding of ourselves.

Boredom and Novelty


There are a certain amount of mundane tasks that are a necessary part of human existence. Washing th