
What Is Humans?

Dennis Kluba and Shane Strunk experts on almost nothing discuss meaningful topics about everyday lif


Total: 99

Be Your Own Accountant


It can be hard to keep track of things when it moves so fast, but if we don’t keep track things can

Ulterior Motives


We are constantly taking actions in our lives, doing things every single moment of every day. Someti

Winter Discipline


Winter, it's cold, lifeless and full of food. These are some of the normal things we associate with

Sense of Urgency


 In a world where it seems we have more time than ever, the one thing that seems lost is a sense of

Credit Checks


Being recognized for the things we have done can often seem like all we ever want, but is it always

Intentional Rest


In life we can feel stuck in one of two places, go go go or no motivation whatsoever. We know that a

Circles of Self


Mandalas, an ancient work of art that has been used throughout religion, history, and even the most

Differences of Degree


 Friedrich Nietzche once talked about the largest barrier to higher level thinking as our natural in

Outcome Obstruction


The journey or the destination? An age old debate that is always a constant lesson in appreciating t

State of Flux


As we have stated many times, change is the only constant. Something that is hard to come to terms w

Necessity of Belief


In order to pursue great things we must first believe that we are great or at least that’s what we w

Remixing The Wheel


Rarely in life are we creating something truly original. Whether we are looking to innovate, reach o

Joy Intolerance


Over time, inventions and progression of society have made our lives exponentially easier. As humans

Negative Space


 Balance is noticeable, but never more so than in design. A discipline that has been trained over ye

Power In Proximity


 Proximity, as in nearness or closeness to a person or place can be an extremely powerful tool. We h

Lead With Legacy


 In what ways can thinking of the end bring us peace of mind in the present? How can we gather stren

Embrace Fate


Life is constantly fluctuating and changing, good things and bad things all of the time. With so man

Power of Possibility


In life doors close, life becomes stagnant and in many ways it can feel that the universe is working



Balance is a constant challenge for every person, it is rarely perfect with any one person and often