In life we can feel stuck in one of two places, go go go or no motivation whatsoever. We know that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, but what’s the downfall of just doing the same thing over and over again. Do we become fatigued and burn out? Do we become masters at whatever we are doing?
Today, we discuss a new training technique called dynamic loading and its effects on aspects other than just the physical. In a world previously prided on more is more, many are now seeing the benefits of rest days physically, mentally and spiritually.
Is rest really rest though if we aren’t intentionally recharging out batteries. Think about your rest times; late at night, early mornings, over the weekends or during the week. Are you decompressing or just numbing out? Maybe fidgeting around and thinking ahead about what’s next. Rest is a skill the same way that play is. Make sure you’re putting the time, effort and intention towards it this week.