French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions

Learn French: Discover the French Language with Jessica


Total: 160

By popular demand, I have recorded a series of episodes to help you learn or recognise common French

Listener Nancy would like to clarify when “ne” can be dropped in French. When is it possible to deli

When students write in French, I often see words spelled with an initial uppercase which shouldn’t b

Live workshops are back! More information and bookings open on my events page: https://frenchyourway

As if it were not challenging enough to get to understand French spoken at normal speed, how to unde

Fiona from Melbourne Australia asked me to explain the difference between the verbs “sentir” and “re

Here’s a selection of 5 mistakes commonly made by English students learning French. Some may be a “s

This episode was inspired by a question from listener Philip: “Recently, a thunderstorm damaged my i

By popular demand, I have recorded a series of episodes to help you learn or recognise common French

In my last newsletter and YouTube video, I asked for your input/feedback on what you struggle most w

This recording is in French, here’s the outline of what I talk about to help you follow: A comeback

By popular demand, I’ll record some episodes to help you learn or recognise common French slan

A simple French grammar tip can help you go a long way to efficiently translate common expressions f

I received an email from Abhijit’s, Tasmania, who is struggling to translate some sentences fr

By popular demand, I’ll record some episodes to help you learn or recognise common French slan

What’s the difference between SUR and DESSUS, or SOUS and DESSOUS? Can they be used interchang

This is yet another question from Artur, who was featured in the previous episode! “I recentl

Here’s a question from Artur: “I wonder if the last letter “t” is pronounced

I received the following question from Jane: Hi Jessica, I am new to your podcasts but hoping to wor

FYW 228: Meilleurs voeux


An end-of-the year message for you in both English and French, with the French text below Vocabular