French Your Way Podcast: Learn French with Jessica | French Grammar | French Vocabulary | French Expressions

Learn French: Discover the French Language with Jessica


Total: 160

What’s the difference between TROUVER and RETROUVER in French? Listen in! And don’t forg



Martha from Cape Cod in the USA is confused about when to use the verb FALLOIR and when to use DEVOI

Lacking a sense of direction is the surest way to ending up nowhere, feeling all over the place, ove

FYW 224: Nouveau vs Neuf


Listener Rebecca is confused about the different forms of the French word “nouveau” and

This episode complements episode 222: “What are these strange ” LE ” and &#82

Joanna asked me : Why is the ” l’ ” neccesary in “Tu verras c

Thanks to Tina for suggesting to talk about French expressions on the podcast. Idiomatic expressions

Pronunciation rules around the verb “acheter” (and more!) Listener Nuvia is in doubt on

If you haven”t taken the challenge yet, grab your pen and paper and test yourself with the fre

This episode complements episode 217 (“How to convert a verb into a noun or adjective in Frenc

This weekend, challenge your mind and join me on the live sessions that I’ll be running for you! I’m

I have to thank Abdulelah from Saudi Arabia for inspiring me to make this episode because what follo

While the topic of the previous episode was light and rather fun (How to talk to your pet in French)

This episode inspired by a question from Philip was a particularly fun one to prepare. Philip lives

Many episodes ago, I recorded a series of lessons about the use of the various French pronouns. I th

Listen to a real French lesson that I recorded with John, a student from the USA! John wanted to foc

What is the difference between “Bonne chance” and “Bon courage” in French? C

Live French Grammar Clinic workshops : Launching on July 18th and 19th 2020!! You know how curious

Join other students from around the world and let’s play in French together! This recording is an ex

While trying my hand at new baking techniques, I have come to learn a few valuable lessons which can