By popular demand, I’ll record some episodes to help you learn or recognise common French slang expressions. As you may know, the French you learn in the classroom and the French you hear in the street or in the movies can sometimes sound quite different !
If you enjoyed this episode, you may also find my short eBook “How to improve your French conversation skills” useful! It includes a section featuring common differences between French as you know is and as it is actually spoken in real life
Balles (argent): Il a acheté une nouvelle voiture à 15.000 balles !
A deux balles (worthless, cheap, lousy ; cheap joke, Xmas craker humour, bubblegum humour)
Bobo (pain, scratch, boo boo ; boho, bobo)
Mec, gars, type
Pote, poto
Nickel (super, parfait, impeccable), nickel chrome
Faire cul sec, ¨cul sec!”
Saouler Ma mère / vieille me saoule avec ses conseils à deux balles. ça me saoule to make/get sb drunk
Mes vieux / mon vieux, ma vieille
Se prendre une cuite = to get drunk / intoxicated / hammered / pissed Il est rentré du bar hier soir avec une bonne cuite. = He came home smashed from the bar last night. (source: Word Reference)
Être cuit,e (Baby is cooked)
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