As if it were not challenging enough to get to understand French spoken at normal speed, how to understand a French conversation when there is background noise/music, or a piece of French audio that’s not clearly audible? In this episode inspired by a question from Fiona, I will share some tips on how you can work on this and improve and I will also stress the importance to accept that you ARE always going to miss some words (and how to work on that, too).
“C’est une idée très schtroumpfante ! »
« Tu as bien dormi ? Tu as l’air bien schtroumpf aujourd’hui. »
« ça fait longtemps qu’on n’a pas schroumpfé ensemble ! Vendredi, ça te dirait ? »
My Schtroumpf activity) (with free downloadable worksheet):
French Voices podcast: on your favourite podcast app or at
The post FYW 242 : Understanding French when sound quality is poor or there’s background noise) appeared first on French Your Way).