Forbidden History is a documentary podcast series which explores the past’s darkest corners, sheds l
Did the Knights Templar plunder treasure from Jerusalem and conceal it? Several theories suggest pos
As one of their most controversial scientists, Heisenberg was key in the Nazis' efforts to develop a
Did deathly ill George V, King of the United Kingdom and younger brother of Prince Albert Victor, Du
Introducing a brand new podcast from the Like A Shot network. Join historian Sascha Auerbach, and co
Was famous playwright Christopher Marlowe the victim of a political conspiracy, or was his death a s
The designer of one of the most popular car brands in history, Ferdinand Porsche, would not have see
TW: The following episode contains discussion of suicide, please listen with care. Amy Robsart, the
How did Prince Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria, become a suspect in the Jack the Ripper mu
In his role as Adolf Hitler's favourite architect, Albert Speer was a central figure in the Fuhrer's
In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast we look at the life of King Edward VIII and the con
Adolf Hitler's aspirations were truly global. In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast, we h
In the heart of Renaissance Rome, Juan Borgia, the favourite son of Pope Alexander VI, was found lif
What happened to Josslyn Hay, the controversial 22nd Earl of Erroll who moved to Kenya in 1920s to j
When the Romans looted Jerusalem in 70AD did they take the fabled treasure of Solomon back to Rome,
We take a look at the remarkable journey of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his humble beginnings on the is
Wernher von Braun was vital to NASA's Apollo 11 mission to put a man on the moon, but this controver
In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast, we take a look at the life of Princess Margaret, Q
Jamie Theakston travels to Sardinia to meet the archaeologists who claim to have found evidence of a
In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast, we look into the life of Mary Magdalene, the Saint