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The Mystery of the Giants

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Forbidden History

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@Alfonso Stiglitz : 我是拥有40年考古经验的考古学家,从未见过这样的事情。我认为撒丁岛的巨人很可能是旧约中的尼腓林人。 我与许多声称发现巨型骨骼的当地人交谈过,他们都是诚实可靠的人。虽然我没有亲眼见过这些骨骼,但我相信他们的说法。 官方考古学家声称没有证据证明巨人的存在,但这并不能否定当地居民的证词和发现。我认为存在某种掩盖真相的行为,许多证据可能已被官方机构没收或销毁。 巨人的存在与进化论相悖,这可能是官方机构掩盖真相的原因之一。 @Eric Meyers : 撒丁岛不仅拥有丰富的巨石文化,其墓葬、立石和纪念碑都与巨人有关,而且还有超过八英尺、十英尺甚至十二英尺大小的人类骨骼遗骸。 在撒丁岛南部的Paoli Arbore地区,过去50年左右,当地居民一直在田地里发现巨大的骨头、骨架和头骨碎片,传说这些遗骸属于很久以前居住在岛上的巨人种族。 第三千年公元前早期迁移表明,旅行者来到撒丁岛,并且他们在撒丁岛发现了阶梯金字塔,这与美索不达米亚的船只非常相似。 圣经中的记载也提到了巨人,这与撒丁岛的传说相呼应。 @Marcello Polastri : 我相信正在发生一些事情,我们正在研究许多案例,从口头证词到书面证据,甚至是一些实物证据。 我个人认为很多证据都被掩盖了,这些证据会驳斥官方的学术解释。我知道至少有80个人发现了巨人的遗骸,他们都是普通人,并没有想从这个故事中获利,我们也有很多书面资料和证人的证词来证明他们的发现。 我发现的巨型牙齿被送往卡利亚里大学进行年代测定,但后来却被告知丢失了,我认为这是蓄意掩盖真相的行为。 @Paolo Melis : 我发现的骨架身高超过两米。 我发现的头骨属于一个年轻人,牙齿状况良好,没有腐烂或损坏。头骨的右颞叶有一个锯齿状的洞,我认为他们可能是头部受伤而死。 @Ingino Argiolas : 我在20世纪50年代发现了三个巨大的骨架,但后来被当局没收了,此后我再也没有听说过这些骨架的消息。 我相信我所讲述的是事实,这是一个被蓄意掩盖的故事。 @Enrico Manca : 我分析了这块骨头和牙齿碎片,看到了一颗非常大的牙齿,尺寸大于正常人的牙齿尺寸。 我从未见过这么大的牙齿,根据我的推测,拥有这么大牙齿的人身高可能达到两米半。 这颗牙齿后来被送往卡利亚里大学进行年代测定,但后来却丢失了,这让我感到非常困惑和失望。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What evidence suggests the existence of giants in Sardinia?

Over the last 50 years, locals in the Paoli Arbore region of southern Sardinia have discovered large bones, skeletons, and skulls in their fields, believed to belong to a race of giants. Archaeologists have also found skeletal remains of individuals over 8 to 12 feet tall. Additionally, ancient Nuragic tablets and tombs suggest a connection to giants.

Why do some believe the giants of Sardinia could be the Nephilim from the Bible?

The Nephilim, described in the Book of Genesis as the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men, are linked to giants. Sardinia’s skeletal remains of exceptionally tall individuals and ancient legends of giants align with biblical accounts, suggesting a possible connection.

What role do the Nuragic people play in the giant legends of Sardinia?

The Nuragic people, who lived on Sardinia around 2000 BC, were seafarers, healers, and astronomers. Ancient Nuragic tablets reference a race of giants, and their culture’s megalithic structures and observatories suggest awareness of these giants, possibly as their god-kings.

What challenges do researchers face in proving the existence of giants in Sardinia?

Researchers face challenges due to the lack of tangible evidence. Bones and teeth discovered by locals have been confiscated or lost, and authorities are accused of covering up findings. Additionally, many discoveries rely on oral testimonies and written accounts rather than physical proof.

What is the significance of the giant tombs found in Sardinia?

The giant tombs, dating back to around 2500 BC, are large stone structures built to bury exceptionally tall individuals. They predate the Nuragic period and are believed to have been constructed specifically for giants, later reused by locals for their dead.

What happened to the giant tooth discovered by Marcello Polastri?

Marcello Polastri discovered a large human tooth in a giant’s tomb, which was analyzed by a local dentist and confirmed to be unusually large. However, after sending it to the university in Cagliari for further analysis, the tooth was reportedly lost, raising suspicions of a cover-up.

Why do some archaeologists dismiss the idea of giants in Sardinia?

Many archaeologists argue that the giant phenomena are myths, attributing discoveries to misidentified human or animal remains or wishful thinking. They emphasize that ancient cultures on the island were regular-sized people, and no definitive evidence of giants has been found.

What is the connection between Sardinia’s giants and ancient Mesopotamian culture?

Early migrations in the 3rd millennium BC suggest that travelers from Mesopotamia came to Sardinia, bringing their culture, including step pyramids. Legends of giants in Sardinia may have been influenced by these Mesopotamian travelers, who could have introduced stories of giants like the Anunnaki.

Shownotes Transcript

Jamie Theakston travels to Sardinia to meet the archaeologists who claim to have found evidence of a race of giants. He speaks with researchers who claim to have discovered such evidence in networks of caves and tombs around the world.

Cast List:

Jamie Theakston: Investigative reporter

Andrew Gough: Writer, presenter and editor of The Heretic Magazine 

Marcello Polastri: Sardinian Journalist

Paolo Melis: Former Mayor of Las Plassas

Ingino Argiolas: Local Woodworker

Alfonso Stiglitz: Archaeologist 

Enrico Manca: Dentist

Luigi Sanna: Pontifical University of Oristano

Eric Meyers: Narrator

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