cover of episode Introducing: ‘Where Did Everyone Go?’ Ukraine’s Secret Catacombs

Introducing: ‘Where Did Everyone Go?’ Ukraine’s Secret Catacombs

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive Transcript
Lewis Rumbol
Sascha Auerbach
Tom Ward
@Sascha Auerbach : 我是历史学家Sascha Auerbach,我们将探索奥德萨地下墓穴的神秘历史。它位于乌克兰南部城市奥德萨,是世界上最大的人工隧道网络,绵延1500英里,拥有800多个入口。其历史可以追溯到叶卡捷琳娜大帝时期,当时为了建造奥德萨港口城市,人们大量开采石灰岩,形成了这个庞大的地下迷宫。由于缺乏监管,隧道蜿蜒曲折,危险重重,许多人因此丧生。地下墓穴曾被用于走私,例如走私法国香水,也曾是二战期间苏联抵抗组织的藏身之处,以及冷战时期的核掩体。关于地下墓穴,流传着许多传奇故事,例如隐藏的泰坦尼克号纯金模型。 @Tom Ward : 作家Tom Ward将与Sascha一起揭开奥德萨地下墓穴的秘密。这个地方充满了危险和神秘,许多人都在这里迷路,甚至丧生。我们还将了解二战期间,苏联抵抗组织成员被困在黑暗、寂静的隧道中,最终互相残杀的悲惨故事。这个故事直到最近才被公开。奥德萨地下墓穴的用途不断变化,从采石场到走私通道,再到二战时期的抵抗据点和冷战时期的核掩体,如今则被废弃,但在俄乌战争中又被用作防空洞。 @Lewis Rumbol : 作为一名探险家,我亲身经历了奥德萨地下墓穴的恐怖。黑暗、寂静和空间的无限感让人感到极度恐惧。即使与向导同行,也难以摆脱迷失的恐惧。在黑暗中,听觉和视觉都被剥夺,让人产生极度不安。 Supporting_evidences Tom Ward: 'Three guys decided that they're going to go on a little bender away from the wives.' Lewis Rumbol: 'It was terrifying, yeah. So I was following this guide, and he's only about two paces in front of me, but if he went round a corner, the light doesn't travel, the sound doesn't travel...'

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Introducing a brand new podcast from the Like A Shot network. Join historian Sascha Auerbach, and comedian Tom Ward, as they reveal the incredible stories behind eerie ghost towns, ruined mansions, forgotten factories, crumbling castles, wartime relics, haunted prisons, and much more.

'Where Did Everyone Go? Histories of the Abandoned' is an entertaining journey into the world’s most remarkable abandoned places.

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Hosts: Sascha Auerbach, Tom Ward

Producer: Lewis Rumbol

Assistant Producer: Alice Chuter

Editor: Chris Scott

“Where Did Everyone Go? Histories of the Abandoned” is a recorded ‘as live’ podcast presented by comedian Tom Ward and historian Sascha Auerbach. Together they discuss abandoned things and places. Please be aware this is an unscripted discussion and whilst we try to ensure historic and factual accuracy, this isn’t always possible and as such ‘facts’ discussed may be the views and opinions of the presenters and should not be relied upon for historical accuracy.

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