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The Treasure of Solomon

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Forbidden History

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jamie Theakston
Kate Raphael
Khader Baidun
Shimon Gibson
@Jamie Theakston : 我调查了所罗门宝藏的秘密,这个谜团困扰了人们两千多年。通过与考古学家、历史学家和文物商的交谈,我试图揭开这个谜团。罗马人洗劫耶路撒冷后,宝藏究竟去了哪里?是带回了罗马,还是被祭司们藏在了耶路撒冷的某个地方?死海古卷中提到的宝藏藏匿地点,是否提供了线索?耶路撒冷地下复杂的隧道系统,又隐藏着多少秘密?我深入耶路撒冷的地下世界,探访了西底家洞穴等遗址,试图寻找答案。在与文物商的交谈中,我看到了许多古老的文物,也了解到耶路撒冷文物市场的现状。通过这些调查,我更加相信,所罗门宝藏可能仍然隐藏在耶路撒冷的某个地方,等待着人们去发现。 @Shimon Gibson : 我研究了耶路撒冷地下复杂的隧道系统,这些隧道可能就是古代祭司们藏匿宝藏的地方。在西底家洞穴等遗址,我们发现了许多古代遗迹,也看到了人们对宝藏的寻找从未停止。虽然挖掘工作非常困难,但耶路撒冷地下仍然可能隐藏着宝藏。 @Kate Raphael : 我相信所罗门王在圣殿下方建造了一个金库来储存宝藏,以防圣殿受到威胁。这个金库可能就在至圣所下方,宝藏可能至今仍在那里。 @Khader Baidun : 耶路撒冷的文物市场存在一个黑市,许多非法挖掘的文物在这里交易。虽然大部分都是赝品,但也有一些是真正的古代文物。这些文物从地下挖掘出来,然后流入市场。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the possibility that the high priests of the Jerusalem temple hid sacred items before the Roman invasion. It discusses the immense value of the treasures, including the Ark of the Covenant, and the potential for multiple hidden stashes.
  • The Temple of Solomon contained immense treasures, including the Ark of the Covenant.
  • The Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 AD, raising the question of what happened to the treasures.
  • The possibility of multiple hidden stashes of treasure under Jerusalem is raised.

Shownotes Transcript

When the Romans looted Jerusalem in 70AD did they take the fabled treasure of Solomon back to Rome, or did the high priests hide it somewhere in the city? Jamie Theakston meets archaeologists who have dedicated their lives to finding it.

Cast List:

Jamie Theakston: Investigative Journalist

Andrew Gough: Writer, presenter and editor of The Heretic Magazine 

Lynn Picknett: Historian and researcher specialising in exposing historical conspiracies. She is also the co-author of several notable works

Rev. Lionel Fanthorpe: Author ‘Mysteries & Secrets of Time’

Robert Howells: Author 

Clive Prince: Author 

Khader Baidun: Antique & Relic Dealer 

Shimon Gibson: Archaeologist & Author 

Kate Raphael: Archaeologist 

Eric Meyers: Narrator 

NB: This episode was originally broadcast in 2013

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