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Hidden Tomb: Tracing a Saint

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Forbidden History

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@旁白 :本集节目探讨了抹大拉的马利亚在早期基督教中的关键作用,以及她神秘失踪和遗骸下落不明的真相。节目采访了多位专家,从圣经故事、历史记载、考古发现等多个角度,试图解开这个长达两千年的谜团。马利亚是耶稣最忠诚的门徒,也是耶稣复活的见证人,她的身份和地位在基督教历史上一直存在争议。关于她死后下落,存在多种说法,包括逃亡法国、与耶稣有特殊关系甚至生下孩子等。这些说法都为寻找她的遗骸增添了神秘色彩。 @帕特·约克尔 :我多年来一直致力于寻找抹大拉的马利亚的遗骸。我发现了一封写给中世纪教皇的信,信中声称她的遗体在法国圣马克西曼的一个秘密墓穴中被发现。虽然圣马克西曼教堂声称拥有她的头骨,但我认为这可能是假的,她的真实遗骸可能被转移到了其他地方。我发现的信中提到了于格·德·沃桑,他可能为了保护或出于私利将遗骸转移到了他的家乡佩桑的一个小教堂。我在圣马克西曼的墓穴中发现了沃桑这个名字的涂鸦,以及一个拱形十字架的符号,我认为这是于格留下的线索,指引着我们找到马利亚的真实墓地。 @弗洛里安·拉辛神父 :我们教堂拥有抹大拉的马利亚的头骨,这是我们信仰的一部分。虽然有人质疑其真实性,但对我们来说,这是与圣徒建立联系,进行祈祷的重要圣物。 旁白:节目中提到的各种说法和证据,都指向了抹大拉的马利亚遗骸之谜的复杂性和争议性。无论是圣经记载、历史传说还是考古发现,都无法给出确凿的答案。这使得抹大拉的马利亚的故事,成为了一个持续吸引人们关注和探索的永恒谜题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Mary Magdalene considered one of the most important figures in the New Testament?

Mary Magdalene is considered one of the most important figures in the New Testament because she was the first witness to Jesus' resurrection, a pivotal event in Christianity. Her role as a devoted disciple and her presence at key moments in Jesus' life, such as his crucifixion and resurrection, make her central to the Christian narrative.

What is the significance of Mary Magdalene's relationship with Jesus according to the Gospel of Philip?

The Gospel of Philip suggests that Jesus had a unique and intimate relationship with Mary Magdalene, stating that he loved her more than the other disciples and even kissed her on the mouth. This has led to speculation about a possible romantic or marital relationship between them, which, while controversial, has fueled theories about her importance and the mystery surrounding her life.

What evidence supports the theory that Mary Magdalene traveled to France after Jesus' death?

The theory that Mary Magdalene traveled to France is supported by local folklore, the presence of numerous churches and towns named after her in southern France, and the reverence she holds in the region. Additionally, medieval accounts, such as the 'Tale of the Three Marys,' claim she fled to France with other women, landing at Sainte-Marie-de-la-Mer, which became a significant site for early Christianity in Europe.

What is the significance of the skull believed to be Mary Magdalene's in Saint-Maximin?

The skull in Saint-Maximin is believed by the Church to be that of Mary Magdalene, with claims that a piece of skin miraculously preserved from Jesus' touch was found attached to it. This relic has become a focal point for veneration and pilgrimage, though its authenticity is debated by scholars. The basilica built on the site is thought to have been funded by the sale of her relics.

What new evidence has Pat Yockel uncovered about Mary Magdalene's final resting place?

Pat Yockel discovered a 13th-century letter in a church archive that claims Mary Magdalene's body was found in Saint-Maximin. The letter also mentions Hugues de Voisin, a nobleman who may have moved her remains to a small chapel in Paysanne. Pat believes the relics were hidden there, supported by symbols like the arched cross found in the crypt of Saint-Maximin and the chapel in Paysanne.

What challenges remain in verifying the location of Mary Magdalene's remains?

Verifying the location of Mary Magdalene's remains requires further archaeological work, including obtaining permits to dig beneath the chapel in Paysanne. While geophysical surveys suggest a void beneath the chapel, conclusive evidence is still lacking. Skeptics argue that identifying her remains with certainty may be impossible due to the lack of definitive historical records.

Why does the search for Mary Magdalene's remains continue to captivate people today?

The search for Mary Magdalene's remains captivates people because of her central role in Christianity, the mysteries surrounding her life, and the enduring legends about her relationship with Jesus. Discovering her remains would provide tangible evidence of biblical events and potentially rewrite aspects of Christian history, making it a quest of both historical and spiritual significance.

This chapter explores the historical and religious significance of Mary Magdalene, her pivotal role as a witness to the resurrection, and the enduring mystery surrounding her life and final resting place.
  • Mary Magdalene was a devoted disciple of Jesus and a key witness to his resurrection.
  • Her role in early Christianity has been debated for centuries, with her image tarnished by later religious interpretations.
  • The mystery of her life after Christ's death and the whereabouts of her remains continue to fuel speculation and investigation.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast, we look into the life of Mary Magdalene, the Saint who played a pivotal role in early Christianity and witnessed the execution and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We speak with experts to investigate the truth behind her mysterious disappearance and embark on a quest to locate her undiscovered remains.

Cast List: 

Lynn Picknett: Historian and researcher specialising in exposing historical conspiracies. She is also the co-author of several notable works

Dr. Peggy Brunache: Historian, archaeologist and lecturer at University of Glasgow

Dominic Selwood: Historian, barrister, bestselling author, novelist and frequent contributor to national newspapers including The Independent, The Spectator and The Daily Telegraph

Bena Mantel: Archaeologist 

Tony McMahon: Former BBC news producer, author, print journalist and historian 

Dr Andrew Boakye: Lecturer in Religions & Theology at the University of Manchester 

Dr. Karen Bellinger: Anthropologist, archaeologist, and historian 

Patrick Jokl: History Enthusiast & Researcher

Peter Stanford: Journalist & Author

Father Florian Racine: Priest & Rector  

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