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What Drove Porsche: The Man Behind the Machines

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Forbidden History

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@旁白 : 波尔舍是两次世界大战中最有生产力的工程师之一,他致力于恢复德国的民族自豪感,并设想胜利的第三帝国的未来。希特勒的‘人民汽车’计划为波尔舍提供了机会,让他能够重振事业并获得认可。波尔舍设计了符合纳粹‘雅利安人’审美观的‘人民汽车’,并成功获得了希特勒的支持。然而,波尔舍为了与希特勒保持良好关系,将犹太裔合伙人罗森伯格排除出公司,这体现了纳粹的‘雅利安化’政策。战争期间,波尔舍被任命为坦克委员会主席,但随着德国战局恶化,他的地位下降。战争结束后,波尔舍被法国当局逮捕,并被指控犯有战争罪。 @理查德·豪斯曼 : ‘人民汽车’的设计目标是让全德国人民都能拥有汽车。它不仅要满足希特勒的愿景,还要为普通雅利安家庭提供足够的空间。 @约翰·贝利 : 1937年,波尔舍的赛车参加了在英国举行的唐宁顿公园赛道大奖赛,这在当时是英国赛车界的一大盛事。波尔舍和梅赛德斯-奔驰组成的‘银箭’车队在比赛中表现出色,这向世界展示了德国的工程技术实力。 @狄特·兰登伯格 : 战争期间,‘人民汽车’工厂生产了大量的飞机零件和其他军用物资。工厂使用了大量的战俘劳工,许多来自东欧和苏联的战俘被迫在这里劳动。

Deep Dive

Ferdinand Porsche, an unemployed engineer, found an opportunity to revive his career through Adolf Hitler's vision of a motorized Germany. Porsche's designs captivated Hitler, leading to significant financial backing.
  • The Second World War context and Hitler's vision for a new Germany set the stage for Porsche's rise.
  • Porsche was initially an unemployed engineer seeking a second chance.
  • Hitler's plans for a motorized Germany resonated with Porsche, who immediately sought Hitler's attention.
  • Porsche developed the P-Wagen, a racing car that intrigued Hitler.
  • Porsche received significant funding from Hitler to develop his designs further.

Shownotes Transcript

The designer of one of the most popular car brands in history, Ferdinand Porsche, would not have seen his success without the support of Adolf Hitler. In this episode of the Forbidden History podcast we take a look at the life of the man behind the brand...

Cast List:

Shalina Patel: Historian

Karl Ludvigsen: Author ‘Professor Porsche’s Wars’

Frank Jung: Head of Porsche Historic Archives

Richard Hausmann: Volkswagen Beetle Collector

Nigel Jones: Author & Historian 

Guy Walters: Author & Historian 

Karina Urbach: Author, ‘Go-Betweens for Hitler’

Magnus Brechtken: Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History

John Bailie: Author, ‘Donington Park: The Pioneers’

Dieter Landenberger: Head of Heritage, Volkswagen 

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