Change Agents Community with Dr. James Rouse

Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest


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Meditation, Expressing or Receiving Love, Taking Enough Action in Things that give you purpose, Crea

Tears are healing. I am so quickly moved to tears these days. Back in my teen years, I couldn't even

The power of forgiveness can have remarkable effects on our well-being. Holding onto resentment, ang

This is for all of us who can use a bit more resilience. Here are three practices to help you learn,

I'm really excited about this research out of UCLA dedicated to spirituality and the positive effect

Abraham Maslow said, “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is

All About Love


Today I want to talk about getting vulnerable, going all in, and risking love, risking being hurt. W

The Power of Presence


Presence is about being in the here and now, embracing our wholeness and presence in this world. Min

Learn the Lesson of Love


When we give ourselves permission for self-discipline, we can lean into the appointments we set with

Ikigai encourages us to lean into the meaning of our lives by connecting our values, needs, aspirati

Just like you..... I feel so many emotions that call into question my commitment to myself and my be

Smiling is an incredible tool we all possess and can be a powerful act to positively affect our mood

A Life of Happiness


I've been studying happiness for decades now, but a recent feature on one of my favorite weekend sho



Arambhashura, "A Hero at the Beginning," in other words, this is about being energetic or bold only

Inspired by Longevity


More than 75% of our aging is influenced by lifestyle. Telomeres, the caps of our DNA, may hold the

Postpone Nothing


Today's message is inspired by the stoic philosopher, Seneca. Pretend today is the end of your life.

Close the Gap on Your Goals


What is the vision you are holding for yourself? Do you know how to set your intention in action and

The three words that continue to give me permission to believe are, "I Love Myself." This isn't abou

Recognize the Good


This is a beautiful time for self-recognition and self-reflection. A time to look back as much as it

Today's message is inspired by Howard Thurman, American author, philosopher, theologian, mystic, edu