The Break Vape Podcast helps stressed-out moms learn how to quit vaping without relying on willpower
My guest this week believes not only that vaping is dangerous, but that people who vape need to be m
If your vape feels like an emotional crutch that has you feeling awful about yourself, but quitting
If you want a rock-solid foundation to start quitting vaping right now, you’re in the right place. T
Your big, overarching goal is to quit vaping for good. This is a super broad goal and right now it p
You can create a life where vapes have zero control over you, and the second step of doing so is get
When you pull the vaping addiction out of your brain where it’s running on autopilot, and analyze wh
Quitting vaping is about so much more than quitting vaping. It’s ultimately about loving yourself en
If Big Tobacco can be crafty enough to get you hooked on vaping with its creative tricks, we can be
How do you stay on track with your New Year’s resolution to finally quit vaping for good? In this fu
It takes time, but you can put vaping behind you. If you do the work, you won’t even want to want yo
Charlene Zorn tragically lost her 15-year-old stepson Solomon to EVALI. Solomon was a loving, strong
Most people have no idea how harmful vaping is until it’s too late, but a recent study from the Amer
Right now is the time to re-evaluate your vaping habit because it’s a dangerous habit with layers th
For many families, the holidays mean traveling and long days on the road, and for vaping moms, it me
Are you battling the urge to vape, feeling trapped in a cycle of stress and craving? As a mom in tod
Gratitude is a hot topic at this time of year, so how can gratitude help you deal with the overwhelm
If the thought of holiday shopping surrounded by tons of people makes you want to vape your stress a
We’re tapping into your crafty, creative energy, channeling your inner artist and alchemist as we di
If you have been tossing vapes in the garbage only to pull them out later in a fit of desperation an
Although we think vaping helps us manage our daily stressors, the truth is it causes stress by hijac