The Break Vape Podcast helps stressed-out moms learn how to quit vaping without relying on willpower
Some of the reasons to stop vaping are priceless and some could be seriously impacting your wallet.
Come try on a powerful tool common in the life coaching industry that will challenge you to get crea
Happy New Year! Join Tami for an interactive exercise that will help you get out of your subconsciou
Learn how vaping actually causes stress and anxiety via a nicotine induced dopamine hijack that take
In this bite size episode, Tami shares a quick and effective tactic to disarm the seemingly cool vib
Want to quit vaping for good? I have exactly what you need. I have created a course called Break Vap
My Granny smoked for at least 40 years and quit cold turkey with her "shopping method", when she dis
Quitting for good is 100% doable and for the majority of vapers having a quit plan is essential for
Today we are going to talk about another serious lung disease called EVALI that is directly caused b
Today we are answering the question, "Can vaping kill you"? We will cover Popcorn Lung and touch on
Welcome to the Break Vape Podcast. Today we are going to do a couple of exercises to get really curi