Finance bros are out, #RichGirls are in. Join Money with Katie and her guests for conversations abou
In the past, we covered the national average costs for different types of child care and how it may
It's our first newly revamped Rich Girl Roundup of 2025, and we’re taking you on a scenic guided tou
Welcome back to Part Two of our series, the Economics of Weight Loss Drugs. (If you haven’t heard Pa
We’ve all heard about Ozempic. But there are the GLP-1s we colloquially call “Ozempic” (see also: We
After three years and 255 episodes, we take a walk down memory lane to reflect on some of our top ep
Most personal finance advice falls into one of two camps: one that implicitly assumes that humans ne
Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet and Berna Anat of New Dimes join us for our last Rich Girl Round
The recent coverage around the healthcare industry from major media outlets has left me...wanting. S
"Who can afford all these $75,000 Ford F-150s?" asked Rich Girl Ally—so we decided to dive in. We're
In 2019, I read Ramit Sethi’s bestseller I Will Teach You to Be Rich for the first time—and it was n
Rich Guy Ryan's girlfriend just got a raise, and they're interested in opening an IRA for her to beg
How have the last 40 years of American history—starting from the Reagan era—delivered us to where we
Every year, we share the books that gave the Money with Katie team a new perspective or changed our
Financial independence calculators allow us to understand the path we’re on—so we can either feel go
Rich Girl Lauren lives in an expensive city, and her parents are offering her some money—but she onl
At her career’s height, Lacy was earning more than a million dollars per year (!) as an executive at
In this week’s Rich Girl Roundup, Cassie asks what financial considerations she should discuss with
In our "money dysmorphia" episode, a theme emerged that I wanted to revisit: Money anxiety increasin