Finance bros are out, #RichGirls are in. Join Money with Katie and her guests for conversations abou
ESG (or “environmental, social, and governance”) investing has been one of the hottest financial tre
On this week's Rich Girl Roundup: How can you spend and save in a way that lets you maximize your da
If you feel like everything from your vet bills to your favorite grocery store chains are getting wo
Bachelorette parties have morphed into weekend-long celebrations, potentially costing upwards of sev
I’ve long entertained a logistically untenable fantasy of picking up and moving my life to Copenhage
Rich Girl BT wrote in saying, "We talk more money with friends—but once they know the salary, they'l
The world of status symbols and all their various manifestations (“quiet luxury,” “stealth wealth,”
“Tax drag” can hold your money back from reaching its fullest potential—what is it, how does it work
Writer Elise Loehnen (“On Our Best Behavior”) joined me to explore how our money stories make us spe
We're always told how expensive children are once you have them—but how do you prepare for them fina
You know them, you love them, and you probably own them—but do you understand them? By “them,” I mea
A recent Bloomberg Opinion piece said, "Your 401(k) will be gone in a decade," sounding off alarm be
If you've ever waded into personal finance content, you’re probably familiar with lifestyle creep. I
We've got some range for you today: Dissecting the recommendation to spend 30% on your housing (and
If the entire US economy were worth $1,000, a few of those dollars would be driven by music and movi
If your loved one keeps making bad money decisions, should you intervene? And if so, what’s the best
Most of our listeners probably know they should be involved in the ~marital finances.~ But very few
Rich Guy Gavin asks, "Is the 15-year mortgage worth it?" Plus, given how few people can afford them
The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins is financial independence canon. The premise boils down to e
Rich Girl Liz H. wanted to know: "How do I know if I'm too 'liquid?'" Chances are, you probably do h