cover of episode When Earning More Makes Your Financial Anxiety…Worse?

When Earning More Makes Your Financial Anxiety…Worse?

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The Money with Katie Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Clay Cockrell
访谈对象 (听众)
Clay Cockrell: 钱本身并不能带来幸福,虽然一定程度的财富可以缓解压力,但过多的财富反而可能带来新的问题,例如对财富损失的恐惧、与他人的疏离感、以及对自身价值的迷茫。高收入者往往会陷入一种永无止境的追求中,即使拥有巨额财富,也难以获得真正的满足感和安全感。他们可能会寻求其他方式来获得刺激和兴奋感,因为他们已经体验了生活中最好的事物。最终,真正的快乐来自于与家人相处、追求爱好、克服挑战等,而不是单纯地追求财富。 Katie: 高收入带来的焦虑可能源于未满足的期望、对已获得财富的恐惧以及随之而来的复杂问题。未满足的期望是指人们可能错误地认为高收入会带来完全不同的生活体验,而当现实与期望不符时,就会产生焦虑。对已获得财富的恐惧则源于对财富损失的担忧,以及对未来不确定性的恐惧。此外,高收入者还会面临来自同侪的压力,并与收入更高的人进行比较,导致焦虑。高收入伴随而来的是更复杂的问题,例如遗产规划、高额保险等,这些都会增加焦虑。 访谈对象 (听众): 一位听众分享了自己的经历,她发现收入增加后,金钱焦虑反而加剧了,因为需要弥补之前低收入时期积累的财务缺口和心理压力。高收入让她感觉永远无法获得安全感。

Deep Dive

The episode begins by questioning the conventional belief that more money leads to more happiness, exploring the idea that increased income can actually exacerbate financial anxiety.
  • Money alleviates some stresses but understanding 'enough' is difficult.
  • Listener interviews reveal money anxiety worsening with higher income.

Shownotes Transcript

In our "money dysmorphia" episode, a theme emerged that I wanted to revisit: Money anxiety increasing with income, not decreasing. While most of us are probably familiar with the law of diminishing marginal returns and accept that after a certain point, money won’t make us any happier, the idea that money could make us actively unhappier is pretty antithetical to the entire capitalist enterprise.

So to get the inside track, we invited Clay Cockrell, a therapist for the ultra high-net worth, to talk through some theories about why someone might experience enhanced anxiety as they ascend the income ladder—and what it might mean you need to do next.

Transcripts, show notes, production credits, and more can be found at:

Money with Katie’s mission is to be the intersection where the economic, cultural, and political meet the tactical, practical, personal finance education everyone needs.

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