Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest political news for the flagship podcast of the Never Trump
Donald Trump doesn't share our values or our norms, and he wants the privilege of being able to shoo
The ex-POTUS has resolved that his route to regain power is creating hate, fear, and anger. Meanwhil
Remember those few weeks when Trump ceded the stage to Kamala and didn't do any campaigning? How glo
The Bulwark kicked off its weekend 'Swing State Swing" in the City of Brotherly Love Thursday befor
Since the release of Woodward's "War," Gen. James Mattis has reached out to the journalist to endors
Amb. Rice says Trump is a "surrender monkey" who is all about building up Russia and China for his o
Trump's fitness for office is a central question now more than ever after his bizarre town hall Mond
Trump used to be considered an existential threat throughout Silicon Valley, but now the tech world
Trump's authoritarianism has intensified—with his calls for using military force against political o
Barack Obama made a direct appeal to people who don't like Trump, but may end up voting for him anyw
Voters have a real hunger for something beyond the constant state of pugilism and the weaponizing of
The information ecosystem is getting crazier than ever: The monster Trump created must be fed, even
Trump and Vance are pioneering a form of politics where American power means nothing, everything is
Do not sleep on this: The billionaire tech bros are on board with the authoritarian project so they
The second gentleman says Kamala has really stepped it up for this abbreviated campaign, and is show
Liz Cheney sticks to her values under incredible pressure in an old-fashioned Republican way. And sh
Jack Smith's filing on Jan 6 reads almost like a novel—with Trump shrugging about Pence having to be
The Harris campaign clearly opted not to send out an attack dog in last night's debate. While JD Van
JD Vance may be a good debater, but his creepy obsession with lady parts could put him on defense. M
While the Trump campaign is opting for trans panic, Kamala really needs to remind people to be alarm