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John Dickerson: Hero Story

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The Bulwark Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Dickerson
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney: 特朗普为了夺权不惜牺牲美国首都,允许执法人员被打,违反法律和宪法,这是堕落行为,绝不能麻木。任何做过这些事的人都不再值得信任。 John Dickerson: 对Liz Cheney在威斯康星州的演讲的解读,认为其演讲是关于1月6日事件的第三章,强调了候选人的性格和能力对总统职位的重要性。Liz Cheney的演讲可能对那些对哈里斯不确定或犹豫不决的选民起到一定作用,但其主要目标群体是那些对特朗普犹豫不决的共和党选民。Liz Cheney的演讲重新将焦点放在了就职誓言、工作的责任以及特朗普的失败上,并指出这并非媒体的观点,而是其党内领导人的说法。选择总统候选人时,不应该选择那些违背誓言的人,就像不应该选择已知有婚外情的人来主持婚礼一样。Liz Cheney的演讲中,强调了来自特朗普身边的人的证词,来证明特朗普违背誓言。在过去的政治中,坚持价值观并在巨大压力下做正确事情的人被视为英雄,而现在,讲述这样的故事可能会遭到斥责。许多曾在特朗普政府担任国家安全官员的人士虽然私下表示特朗普不应再次掌权,但并没有公开持续地表达这一立场。如果一位CEO收到如此多的负面评价,没有人会认为他适合这份工作。1月6日事件并非过去的事情,特朗普仍在实时谈论此事,并对2024年大选提出质疑,这与他过去的行为模式一致。共和党现在的情况是,为了成为合格的候选人,必须说谎,这导致了候选人质量的下降,并解释了该党是如何转变的。总统的主要工作是组建一个优秀的团队,如果忠诚度是首要品质,并且建立在谎言之上,那么组建的团队将无法有效地治理国家。 Tim Miller: 对Liz Cheney演讲的补充和评论,以及对共和党现状的分析。 核心观点补充

Deep Dive

Liz Cheney's speech, emphasizing the importance of upholding the oath of office, resonated with some Republicans and Democrats, highlighting Trump's broken oath and the need to prevent him from regaining power. Her powerful message, delivered at the birthplace of the Republican Party, served as a stark reminder of the gravity of January 6th and its implications for the future of American democracy.
  • Liz Cheney's speech at the birthplace of the Republican Party underscored Trump's violation of his oath of office and the threat he poses to American democracy.
  • Cheney's message resonated with a cross-section of Americans, including some Republicans and Democrats, concerned about the future of the presidency.
  • The speech highlighted the importance of temperament and the ability to handle inconvenient truths in the Oval Office, qualities Trump demonstrably lacks.

Shownotes Transcript

Liz Cheney sticks to her values under incredible pressure in an old-fashioned Republican way. And she reminded us that Jan 6 is not in the past—but is directly tied to the threat from a presidency where loyalty is built around a lie. Plus, the politicizing of FEMA, Trump's baiting of the media to fact check, more Megyn derangement syndrome, and the longshoremen and job automation. John Dickerson joins Tim Miller for the weekend pod.

*show notes: * The Daily Report on CBS streaming) John's book, "The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency") Tim's playlist)