Erik Maund had it all. A wife and kids, a mansion by the Austin Country Club golf course, and an exe
Subscribe to Texas Monthly Audio today for access to exclusive new audio productions based on the la
Introducing a new season of "One By Willie," hosted by John Spong and now produced by PRX in partner
Introducing the latest podcast from Texas Monthly, "Viva Tejano.”Latin music is ascending in the U.S
After the verdict in the Erik Maund murder-for-hire trial, this bizarre story finally seemed to have
Katy Vine tells us about a new Texas true crime podcast you won't want to miss from our friends at F
As investigators close in, they set a trap to see how far Erik will go to maintain control of the si
Red agrees to a risky operation to help the investigation: going undercover to get Adam Carey and Br
With little to show for their time in Nashville, the team on the ground proposes a radical escalatio
Facing the blackmail threat, Erik Maund decides not to pay up or go to the police. Instead, he turns
In early 2020, Erik Maund—an executive at one of the top Toyota dealerships in the country, founded
Bill Lanway met Holly Williams through mutual friends in the Nashville EDM scene. Soon after they st
Sharing White Devil, a new podcast from our friends at Campside Media. Late at night in May of 2021,
In the final episode of Shane and Sally, victims in a series of unsolved attacks at the lakes surrou
In this episode, we explore the last of four suspects investigators have named in their investigatio
The investigation continues with a look at a third suspect, Jimmy Burnett, who appears to have writt
In this episode, we take a closer look at two of the investigators’ suspects: Steve Schafer and John
Rob D’Amico and Karen Jacobs, hosts of "Shane and Sally," reconvene in the podcast studio to dive de
In this episode, investigators Larry Counts and David Jones detail their initial steps in trying to
On July 4, 1988, sixteen-year-old Shane Stewart and eighteen-year-old Sally McNelly went out for the