Erik Maund had it all. A wife and kids, a mansion by the Austin Country Club golf course, and an exe
In the fall of 1987, Shane Stewart and Sally McNelly met through mutual friends and began dating. Sh
On July 4, 1988, 16-year-old Shane Stewart and 18-year-old Sally McNelly went out for the night in t
In the series finale, Scott Hatley’s journal tells the story of how he built a new life on the run f
Lt. Don Miller discovers the hand-written life story of the man who killed Susan Woods. The murderer
In 1988, Shannon Myers survived a brutal attack by Joseph Scott Hatley, the man whose fingerprints w
Nearly twenty years after Susan Woods's murder, Stephenville Police Lieutenant Don Miller takes up t
After Susan Woods was killed, just about everyone in Stephenville—including the police—figured they
In the summer of 1987, 30-year-old Susan Woods was living alone in her hometown of Stephenville, Tex
From the moment Susan Woods was found dead at home in the summer of 1987, everyone in Stephenville,
"I'll never lose that hope. It could be five years from today. The door is always open at our office
There have finally been a couple of developments in the case. But will they lead to the truth about
"I'm definitely more paranoid wherever I go. I definitely watch my back more and pay attention to wh
"The people of the town are calling us and saying, 'Do we have a monster that lives in our community
"I'm like, 'What the heck is that?' So, I walk around some shrubs, and as I get closer I can see tha
“It's kind of strange that your investigator calls this search, and lo and behold, right after he st
"I'm sitting there thinking, 'Oh God, I'm so scared right now.' I couldn't convince them. And so I j
"Makes you want to go to the church, get on your knees and say a few words, right?
"My gut tells me he hasn't left Hemphill County. I think he's here somewhere, and I don't know if he
“Someone is lying. And it’s hard to know who’s lying and who’s not.”